2: Bunny

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This is Elsa's second day at Bugess High.

I can't believe it! Elsa goes to school here! This is the happiest I've been since the day she finally decided to go out with me. I was torn apart when I had to move and leave her, but now we can be together!

But something is off, there was something in her eyes and she seemed upset. I don't know, maybe I'm just going crazy.


It's been a few weeks since Elsa's arrival and she spends a lot of time with Jack. Not that I'm worried, but... screw it. I'm totally worried. I can see the love in her eyes, and it's not directed towards me. It's to Jack. It'll only be a matter of days until they get together, I just know it.

But I don't want to lose her.

This is the day Bunny found Elsa sleeping on her porch.

I decided to visit Elsa and see how she was doing. I walked up her porch steps only to find her lying asleep on the floor. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her inside. She seemed really sad but she didn't want to tell me why, but I didn't pry for answers.

I've been getting this strange feeling inside of me lately. Like somethings wrong, It often comes whenever I see Jack with Elsa or just Jack by himself. The way he looks at me, with envy. I don't know, it's probably all in my head.

Jack's Birthday

Something is off. Jack has lost the bounce in his step and Elsa has had this faraway look in her eyes for the past week. She was late to the dinner, which was not like her. Jack seemed agitated the whole night until she arrived, and even then there was still something off.

After the dinner I left with my dad, but I saw Jack and Elsa talking in front of the restaurant and neither looked particularly happy. I didn't stay long enough to see the outcome, though.

When Elsa broke up with him.

I knew this day was coming. I took her out for ice cream to show that I understood, even though I didn't want it to be like that. But I guess I just want her to be happy.

And I know I sound cliche saying that, But it's true.

And I know it sounds cliche saying it sounds cliche.

I guess I'm just a very cliche person, but I am who I am.

That's Popeye.


We were driving on the bridge, rain was pouring down and it was dark. I looked to my left and saw the bright lights of a car's headlights. Next thing I knew, I was rolling over the side of the bridge and down into the muddy terrain below.

Everything went dark.


I woke up in the hospital, my whole body hurting. I could hear the doctors talking and only heard short phrases like, "Not very much time left." and "Any day now, really." I was scared. No point denying it. I was so happy when Elsa snuck in to see me. I had been holding out until I could see her face one last time before I pulled the plug on myself.

So now here I lay, the sheets pulled over my head and the doctors arranging my departure. Being dead is not something I wanted to be, but I'm not mad, and I'm not angry. I am at peace. I am at peace with my choices in life and I am at peace with the world and its inhabitants.

Peace, what a strange concept considering how this all came to be.

Peace...what a joke. What a sick, horrible, terrible joke! There is no 'peace on Earth'! Only greed and selfishness, anyone who says otherwise is a fool. I was a fool, but I'm not anymore. There's no going back, but I'm determined to set things straight.

Look out world, it's time for some real peace.


Hey guys! So I know that was short and it sucked but I'm eager to get to the story-story. I have a feeling you'll hate me, or maybe the opposite (I doubt it) but this is something that must be done!

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*Free Cake To All!!*

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