Memoria I

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A grand carnival, filled with games and endless journeys, awaited you all; A place where up and down mixed, right and wrong had no boundaries to cross, as they never existed at all.

A festival of untold lies and welcoming truths.

Its fantasies and beauty stole the minds and hearts of every single one of you, dazing you from the reality and fantasy, striking the young souls' trust and unfamiliarity.

A world with no rules, was a world of the chaos and the guilty, but the immature boys didn't seek this through, only seeing their selfish needs and menacing potential.

You seven could never realize the fact that I was tricking you all, blessing and cursing you by my lack of selflessness and maturity.

The world that you had lived in, was no longer fantasy, as this world became your only reality.

Your kingdom to rule.

"The world that I lived in, has been flipped over because of you." the innocence and the vulnerability in your eyes drove me towards insanity.

Those eyes were the reason towards why I was taking such drastic measures.

Togetherness, that harmonical feeling that I felt around you seven, connecting all seven of you to me, forming the word "us".

A word that I thought I could never say.

I wanted that friendship all to myself, I didn't want to ever let it go.

All I wanted was for our love to be eternal!! I never wanted to experience the loss of any of you, I didn't want to feel hurt again.

I once lost someone dearest to me then and I was surely not going to lose another one now.

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