Chapter 5

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"I bet you don't regret sh*t of what you did." I looked down towards you and your coffin, with a bunch of roses placed on your hands, because they thought you needed to smile a bit more before entering the afterlife.

I swear that you did.

"I should be dead, you should've killed me back then, but you didn't."

"Instead, you turned me into a breathing monster." the scent of the blood that the guests had running down their own veins drove me insane, yet I just couldn't hurt anybody, I just couldn't kill the people who I swore I'd protect.

Yet I didn't know if starving myself and isolating myself was going to help eradicate your kind at all.

My skin slowly started to crack, as my eyes started to ooze some ink, I didn't understand what was happening to me nor why this was happening to me only, but I was sure that this meant that my time was starting to run out.

I looked around, to find the three boys I was left to exterminate; What I found odd about them was the fact that, out of everyone there who had a reason to cry and were in fact crying, you three weren't.

They stood next to me, in complete silence, while Sunoo noticed the two punctured wounds that laid on my neck.

"Shouldn't have been so cruel and impatient, Sunghoon." I slowly turned around to face him, while he looked at me with a nonchalant expression.

"Not even going to shed a tear? Your time is coming towards an end." I muttered loud enough for  him, Ni-ki and Jungwon to hear. I just couldn't understand their acceptance towards their friends' death and even their own personal failures.

I feared an act for revenge was in the makings, right under my nose, yet I just couldn't do anything about it. The only thing I was able to do was to continue on with my killings before finally finishing off the true vampire.

Although I wasn't sure whether or not this plan had a fault, it was the only thing I was cable of doing.

"You know I'm not going to let this stop me from finishing you all."

"Why should we shed a tear? The one who should be crying and begging should be you, yet you aren't."

"I should be the one asking those questions to you." I slowly shook my head, while I started to look down towards you, a sickening feeling started to twist and turn inside of me and I was sure it wasn't the lust for blood.

"It can't be, it can't be!!" I screamed, making everyone let out a slight wince while inky tears fell off from my eyes.

I just lost before I had even started and the worst part was, I didn't even know how.

I just didn't know how I had even lost to them.

"There they are!!" he slowly started to wipe my tears, while looking straight at me with an evil and twisted face, that made me feel even more inferior to him.

I tried to storm off from the whole entire funeral before a pair of familiar and extreme cold hands stopped me, which made my heart drop towards the bottom of my stomach.

"So long and goodnight."

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