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When I walked into my social studies class room everyone was talking at once.

The teacher hadn't walked in yet and this class was the most boring and last one of the day.

When I got to my desk Ashlynn, Marisa and Chelsie were already there sitting around it.

Now that I thought about it they must have seen me with Tyler so I knew they were going to ask questions.

I sat down and smiled at them innocently like they didn't already know and decided to just play it cool.

"Hi guy's what's up?" I said nervously.

They looked at me like I was crazy.

"Girl no, don't play dumb what the hell was that with Tyler?" Chelsie asked her blue eyes demanding an answer.

"We saw him kiss your cheek and you were red as a cherry like every three minutes." Marisa agreed.

There was no point in lying so I gave them the short version.

"Tyler asked me out on a date on Friday night." I said in a rush.

All of there eyes widened in surprise.

"So what did you say?" Chelsie asked.

"I told him no at first and eventually said yes."

"Claire what where you thinking? You knew what this guy can do to you!" Ashlynn yelled and everyone in the classroom stoped talking, looked at her then thankfully went back to talking.

"Would you keep it down." I told her annoyed but I knew in the back of my mind they were just trying to protect me.

"You really want to be on his long, long list of girls he dated but never even cared about?" Marisa questioned.

"I asked him that but he apparently thinks I'm beautiful." I told them.

I blushed thinking about when he said that but I really had no idea why.

Ashlynn, Marisa and Chelsie all looked surprised by what I said.

"You know if he breaks your heart we might have to kill him right?" Marisa said looking me straight in the eyes.

My eyes widened at her question.

"Claire nobody deserves to have a heartbreak twice, especially you." Ashlynn agreed.

"I personally think you could do a lot better than Tyler but I guess we'll see how this goes." Chelsie sighed.

"Thank you guys" I said feeling really lucky to have them.

The teacher Mr.Brown then walked in the room and set his books down on his desk and the room went silent.

"Good afternoon everyone please open your books to page 203." He said.

Everyone did as they were told and he started talking about a pointless lesson on bones.

Finally after an hour when I felt like I would fall asleep the bell rang signaling the end of school.

Everyone rushed out the classroom and Mr.Brown surprisingly didn't give us home work.

When I walked to my locker to get my things Tyler was leaning on it with his hands in his pockets looking down at his feet, waiting on someone.

He looked up when I stoped in front of him.

"Um can I help you?" I asked nervously.

He smirked and got of my locker walking closer to me.

"Do you have a leather jacket for Friday night?" He asked towering over me.

"Yeah probably somewhere in my closet, why?" I asked.

"I just wanted to ask because your gonna need it." He said before walking around me and down the hall.


That was a little weird but I would go with it.

When I opened my locker a folded piece of paper fell out and to the ground.

I hesitated before picking it up off the ground, opening it and looking inside.

It was a book quote from The fault in our stars.

My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.

Below that was Tyler's name.

I put the note in my pocket smiling from ear to ear as I closed my locker and walked out the highschool doors to my car.

The good girl and the devil (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now