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Three months.

That's all it took and I'm already falling in love with Tyler.

As I drove home from school I thought about that word. Love.

It was a fragile thing and you couldn't just give it to anyone.

Because love was that person you wanted to be around all the time. It was trust. It was communication. And love was patient.

I realized now what I didn't have with my ex and what I have with Tyler now.

When Matt and I first started dating we rushed into things not really knowing the consequences.

But Tyler did it right and asked me out like a gentleman.

And he made me happy without even trying sometimes.

As I pulled into the drive way Marisa's car was parked beside my mom's.

A smile spread across my face from excitement as I got out of my car.

I forgot Ashlynn, Marisa, Chelsie, and I all decided to meet at my house after school.

It was Friday so they would probably spend the night.

I walked up to the front door of my house before walking inside.

"Mom I'm home." I yelled through the house because, I didn't see her in the living room or the kitchen.

"I'm in the laundry room honey." I heard her yell back from upstairs.

I started going up the stairs in a hurry to get to my room.

Just before I passed by Allen's bedroom I cracked the open his door just a little before checking on him.

He was sitting in his bed in front of his TV playing a video game.

He was completely focused not even noticing I cracked the door open.

I closed the door back knowing he was fine.

After that I walked straight to my room.

Ashlynn was on my bed scrolling through her phone.

Chelsie was sitting on the floor texting.

And Marisa was putting on lip gloss in my mirror.

They all looked my way when I walked In.

"Hey, it's my favorite people." I said smiling happy to see them before sliding my bookbag off my arm and onto the floor.

"Hey Claire." Chelsie said smiling.

"Group hug." Ashlynn announced getting up from the bed.

We all met in the middle of my room before wrapping our arms around each other.

"Okay, didn't we just see each other not even fiveteen minutes ago?" Marisa asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence but we could tell there was a smile on her face.

"Who cares?" Ashlynn said and we were giggling as we pulled away.

"So what have you been up to Claire?" Chelsie asked.

"Yeah how's it going with Tyler?" Ashlynn tuned in.

I immediately blushed as they asked me these questions before walking to my bedroom door and shutting it quietly.

I turned back around facing the three pairs of curious eyes looking back at me.

I decided to just tell them the truth.

"I'm falling in love with him." I breathed.


"You are?" Marisa asked after a few minutes.

I nodded my head bitting my bottom lip in anticipation of what they would say.

"Does he know?" Ashlynn asked curiously.

"No" I said as my constant blush painted my cheeks again.

"If he hurts you, what are you gonna do?" Chelsie asked.

Before I answered her question not even knowing if I could, I walked over to my bed on sat down and the others followed.

I started playing with my fingers as I thought over my answer.

I have known these girls ever since kindergarten and our mother's were best friends in highschool and still were.

We had always had the best intentions at heart for each other.

Yeah, we had a few fights when we were younger but we always made up in the end and went shopping together the next day like they didn't even happen.

But despite all that, I was going to listen to my heart.

Even if it breaks.

"I just have to believe in him and our relationship, that that won't happen." I said after a few minutes.

"Same here" Ashlynn said.

We all looked at her surprised.

"What are you talking about?" Marisa asked knowing me and Chelsie were thinking the same thing.

"I think I'm falling for Chase Parker." She said looking down at my bed with a red tint in her cheeks.

"How's that going?" I asked.

"We text on the phone nonstop, He's always saying 'hey beautiful' when he sees me, and when his amazing blue eyes look at me like that it's just...." She said with a smile on her face and a blush in her cheeks while her warm brown eyes where lite up with happiness.

I could see how happy she was and I was happy for her.

"That's great Ash" I told her with a smile on my face.

"Thank you, but what if he's to good to be true, what if we mess it up?" She asked looking at us for advice.

"Ash listen to me" Marisa said taking Ashlynn's hand in hers gently.

Ashlynn gave Marisa her full attention.

"In the back of your mind do you doubt him for a second?" Marisa asked.

Ashlynn took a moment to think about it.

"No I'm pretty crazy about him" Ashlynn said after a few minutes.

"Okay, then there you go, have faith in him and your relationship." Marisa said letting go of her hand.

That's when my phone vibrated in my pocket and Ashlynn's did the same thing and we pulled them out to see it what it was.

"Chase just asked if we would come to a bonfire tomorrow night. He wants us all to come." Ashlynn said excited.

There was a text from Tyler saying the same thing on my phone.

"It starts at 6:00" I said.

"It's at Matthew's place" Ashlynn added and we all noticed how Chelsie's cheeks turned a bright pink at the mention of Matthew's name.

"What's wrong Chelsie?" Marisa asked.

"Nothing.... Um, I wanna go to the bonfire." She said her cheeks still pink.

"Okay.... I do to." I said.

"Me to" Marisa and Ashlynn chime.

The rest of that night was spent talking about anything and everything, making Tictoks and just spending time together.

And in the back of my mind I knew whatever happens we would be okay.

Even when we were all in love.

The good girl and the devil (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now