What are we?

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It was the next day and Griffin kept replaying in his head the kiss he had with Harper. It wouldn't go away any time soon. He got up and went to get so,e breakfast downstairs. His mom was making pancakes so he waited in the living room until they were ready. He was on his phone to pass the time. 

His mom called the twins and griffin that breakfast was ready. As soon as he sat up his phone rang. it was Harper and he happily answered it. 

H/harper and g/griffin

when he finally answered he was smiling but she could feel it through the screen.

"hey harper," griffin said

"hey Griffin how are you," said harper on the other side of the phone. He said I'm good how are you doing?

I'm fine but I need to talk to you about last night" Harper said 

He got nervous and his hands start to shake. 

"Ri- right yeah what are we since we kissed last night? I really like you and I'm glad we met."It got silent for a minute or two. None of them knew what to say to each other. Harper said "I like you too and I want to be with you. I love our friendship and I'm glad we met."

   With that Griffin said bye hung up because his mom called him for breakfast and it was getting cold. Harper was very happy and she could wait to see him again. Although she could just walk in the Tremont because she basically lives there. 

Btw I hate writing dialog because it's my first time. Let me know how it did I don't what to write in for the last chapter. The next chapter will up Monday by 6 

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