Chapter -6

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I woke up to the sound of the waves . everyone had got up and was packing yesterday's supplies "looks like sleeping beauty just woke up " I heard Edmund say as I went near the lagoon to wash my face . "yeah someone had a late night sleep " Susan said and handed me a cloth to wipe my face "I'm fine , " I said and immediately the water dried . "woah " I Peter said looking at me , "could you try it on us ? " I nodded ,"when you need it just ask !" I said and helped Sadie pack the supplies . immediately the nape of my neck burnt and I felt dizzy . a strong presence was in this island and that being contained dark magic. I opened my eyes to see Sadie stare at me with horror." the presence , "I said , "it had me trapped" Sadie stared at me for some time "we can handle it later " she said and she packed up rest of the supplies in a golden net woven by her magic . "Victoria ! "Edmund called me . he came running towards me "there are some attackers Lucy spotted when she was with a griffin in the morning , they don't look heavily armed but they look strong , they're coming towards our direction " ,he said " you girls better get going to the river where we promise to meet , Peter and I will stall them, we-" I cut him off , "why should we go leaving all the fun for the boys ? "I asked raising an eyebrow . "I told you I'll prove myself " I said staring hard at him , Edmund rolled his eyes , "it's not about proving yourself , you could get yourself killed " he said , "how come your so concerned about me ? " I said crossing my arms over my chest . Edmund blushed , "concerned or not I don't want anyone loosing their life "he said suddenly stern . I was surprised at his sudden change of mood and huffed at him . "well you can't stop me ." I said and followed Edmund .

Susan climbed on to her horse and Lucy followed. Catherine and Sadie too got on two different horses they looked at me in an expression like Victoria ? I looked at them and smirked . as Susan and the others were about to leave an arrow was shot on Lucy's horse and it fell down along with Lucy . Susan , Catherine and Sadie got off the horses . a pack of teenagers heavily armed raced down the hill . Edmund and Peter charged towards them , there were only three teenagers which was sort of a fair fight . one was a girl , I could see her golden hair fall off her helmet . the other two were boys their dark hair and brown hair was visible through the strands that fell off their helmets .

' wait a minute ..' I thought ' brown , black and gold hair ' my thoughts were fuzzy but I had the slightest feeling , could it be ? The dark haired boy stopped fighting Edmund and stared at me . I looked back , the girl who had already slashed a cut in my arm stared at him and shouted "nico ! What's wrong ? "

Edmund and Peter immediately stopped , the brown haired boy removed his helmet so did the other two . "vicy ? " He stuttered , "I - I thought you were - " I cut him off by running to his arms and embracing him , "Percy .... " I sobbed to his collar " I missed you ". Annabeth joined the hug and whispered "we always knew you were out there somewhere " she said ruffling my hair . Percy turned towards Nico who stared at me , I stared back at him , hoping he still remembers the what good friends . he held out his hands and pulled me close . I hugged him back , he was warm and smelled of the moon lace he had given me . "I missed you ." he said , pulling me closer , "hope you still consider me as a friend ," he said . I looked at him , a smile forming on my lips , "yes , "I said and Percy once again punched me on the shoulder , "typical demigod material " he said and followed Peter , Edmund was no where in sight.

We reached another camp,at night . everyone had introduced themselves and we all scouted for a different location to set camp in . Edmund had been silent throughout the journey giving hard looks at nico when he thought he wasn't looking . Nico on the other hand was the bestest friend you could ever ask for . He updated me about every thing that had happened back at camp and helped me polish my sword tricks while we were on our way .
"You're getting good at this "nico exclaimed as I dogged another one of his attacks and thrust my sword at him . I laughed and attacked once more . we were practising in private because I didn't want to show others my swordsman skills . " Well I'll get better and better if you don't stop staring around narnia " I said as I dogged , yet another blow . Nico laughed , the kind of laugh I've always loved . nico was quiet and mysterious the first time I met him , but after an unexpected fight with him Nico had been quite the opposite since then . "we'll princess you're just so beautiful that my eyes can't stop staring at you " he mocked . I looked at him raising an eyebrow . "what ?" He said , "just imitating your admirer " he said as he bent to pick his sword up . " What do you mean admirer ? " I asked as I deflected yet another one of his blows . Nico looked at me a smile forming on his lips , "well princess , its Ed like duh " he said rolling his eyes . I turned to look at him and stared , "oh please ,"I said sarcastically . "we only met recently and please don't call me princess " I said pulling him by the collar . Nico just looked ahead of me me his expression blank , he looked kind of surprised at something that was behind me . I didn't notice at first , I still stared at him , hoping he understood the seriousness in my voice . "And by the way , you better stop saying those silly things again , if anybody heard ." I said rolling my eyes , Nico just looked ahead staring . I turned to see a narnian run back from where he came .

"Oh we've messed up big time , "Nico said as we saw the narnian run back
I looked at the place from where The narnian had gone , "do you think? "I trailed off .
Nico looked doubtful , "I guess he saw something that was more intimidating than that " .
"Like what ? "I asked crossing my arms over my chest .
"Well you were quite dumb not to notice him behind us. " Nico said .
I punched him, "never mind , still best friends right ? " I asked . "No matter what happens ? "
Nico fist bumped me in response .

We headed back to our campsite and everyone was around the camp fire. "where have you been ? " Susan asked . " Well we went to catch up " I said and took a seat beside Percy , Nico was on my other side .Edmund did not at least stare at me . what got into him ? I thought as Peter started a conversation .
"What brings you here ? " Peter asked looking at Percy , Annabeth and Nico . I felt kind of uncomfortable when
Everyone's stare was fixed on those three with me in the middle of it .Percy was fiddling with his chord necklace which contained beads of all his years in the camp . "we were on a quest and suddenly the gods got us shipped off to this island" . Percy stared into the fire , "we still don't know why ."
Peter looked concerned , "Aslan never tells his reasons , narnia needs us "
"But why them , Greeks ! " Edmund said like it was something bad , I shot him a look . thankfully Percy and the others hadn't noticed his rudeness. I've learnt a lot about Edmund the past few days so I had no difficulty in understanding the harsh meaning in his tone . Edmund didn't seem to take much notice of my death stare .
"Well we are quite important " Nico said rolling his eyes . Percy smirked and Lucy laughed . Nico looked quite amused while Edmund looked more redder
Susan was the one to help us out , "let's not discuss about who's greater , shall we focus on the problem were facing right now "
"Yeah we were suddenly pulled to narnia " I said and felt all eyes on me , I looked at Edmund and he turned away quickly like he never did anything .
"How did you actually get here ? " Annabeth asked
"A wave actually pulled us in " I said mimicking the way the wave caught us.
"We at first thought it was you "Catherine said while Sadie was enchanting the fire .
"What is she doing ? " Lucy asked as she peeked closer .
"A spell to seek the truth" I said feeling a new form of strength in me , "it needs strong magic "
"How come it's not working ?" Catherine asked as Sadie let out an annoyed sigh .
"It needs your strength , "Sadie said sighing , "I have power only over the fire , but you Victoria , you have the power over all elementals, "
"And also the blessing of prophecy from God Apollo " Percy said nudging me .
"Come on try , " Susan said looking at me expectantly .
"It's worth a try , "i said as I went and sat beside the fire , suddenly my power seemed to feel stronger " let's hope it goes well"i said as I started chanting a spell in a foreign language , somehow the words seemed to make sense and they just came to me naturally , I was in full flow as the fire seemed to glow brighter , then suddenly felt the dark presence and magic that I had felt when I entered the island , "your being watched .. " The voice cooed , "nothing will stop me from destroying you all " it whispered , I struggled to keep going but the voice made me weak . I struggled to breathe but the air smelled sulphuric "who are you ? " I struggled to ask through a mind link , "oh ....." the voice said , "I think that's impossible. " I tried to concentrate but the voice kept on taunting me , "your weak , everyone's life is in your hands , you cannot do it , you will fail , your loved ones lives are in danger ," it said , my head was gaining a high temperature and I could feel sweat pour down my neck , I couldn't take it any longer , "you will fail .... " The voice said , my eyes flared hot , "I WONT ! " I screamed , this time aloud and I felt flames erupt around me , and I felt an explosion , I didn't open my eye but I felt someone covering me . the flames erupted once more and I felt being thrown back along with whoever was covering me , I was weak but I forced myself to open my eyes to see Edmund over me covering me from the explosion , that was the last thing I saw before I blacked out .

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