hi, i did not die

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Sorry, I forgot I had this book. I will be uploading some drawings I've made since december to today I guess?

 I will be uploading some drawings I've made since december to today I guess?

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Peru holding a guinea pig

Peru holding a guinea pig

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Peru in soccer mode?

Peru flipping the middle finger to Chile

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Peru flipping the middle finger to Chile... I was going to draw every single country that Peru had any conflict with but I got lazy

 I was going to draw every single country that Peru had any conflict with but I got lazy

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Unfinished drawing of Chile

Mex consoling Peru because Argentina doesn't pay attention to him???? I made this drawing like they are in 2019

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Mex consoling Peru because Argentina doesn't pay attention to him???? I made this drawing like they are in 2019

Ah, yeah, I got a graphic tablet! Maybe you could notice cuz of my more fluid strokes (?)

Ah, yeah, I got a graphic tablet! Maybe you could notice cuz of my more fluid strokes (?)

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Unfinished drawing of USRR because i lost motivation

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Unfinished drawing of USRR because i lost motivation

Unfinished drawing of USRR because i lost motivation

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Chile and Peru holding guns, haha. Like the good latinamericans we are(?)

 Like the good latinamericans we are(?)

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Kyle from South Park

Kyle from South Park

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Drawing setted in 2019(?), I just made it xD

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Drawing setted in 2019(?), I just made it xD

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