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A/N  : This chapter is very wholesome

Wild limped slowly across the grass of Hyrule Field , about to pass out.  "Stupid Time, i wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for him..." he thought as the Guardian Stalker chased after him.     No matter how fast Wild ran the Guardian wouldn't let up, "Damn..." He said , he was cornered nowhere to go, 

"ZZZZRRRT"  "CRACKLE"  "POP" ,The Guardian crumbled to its feet suddenly.

"HEY!!!"  Wild heard a voice call to him from above, "You have got to be more careful." 


Time tried to help him up, but Wild just pushed him off and began limping towards Hyrule Castle. "Hey wait up, Wild!!! you're hurt" Time shouted as he ran to catch up to him. Wild wasn't having it. He turned around quickly, startling Time and grimaced " Stop bothering me, You don't belong here..." 

Time narrowed his eyes as he watched Wild struggle towards the castle, and with lightning fast speed grabbed the Sheikah Slate, pulling Wild by the arm, and pressing a few buttons, they appeared in front of the Castle. Time handed the Slate back to Wild, "Trust me" he said as he walked away and left his wounds to the others.

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