Fireworks 🔞

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She bore her body to the sky as the fireworks bloomed nearby; she jumped slightly as the sound of the boom came after the beautiful light. She let out a breath.

"L-link... they're loud..."

Time set his hands gently on her stomach and pressed down, intrigued by the way she arched her back.

"Stay calm, princess, you'll be fine; by the way, you're so beautiful..."

She tried hard not to scream, as he slipped two fingers inside of her; with her moans and whimpers being drowned out by the sound of the fireworks, she wondered if it would even matter.

Time chuckled as he maneuvered his fingers inside, illiciting all different types of noises.

"You're kinda wet, but I don't think you like it enough. Would you mind telling me what you need?"

He knew she was out of breath, and she could barely speak. He just wanted to tease her some more before letting her orgasm.

He laughed and dug down deep into her, watching as she arched her back even higher; bucking her hips against him, mouth open wide.

"I- I think I just..."

Time bent over, kissing her stomach and chest; moving up towards her lips.

"Good girl, you did so well,"

He picked her up and held her close to his chest; her breathing changing slowly from heavy to soft.

He smirked.

"I finally pulled an orgasm out of you, hmmmm."

She turned her head away; flushed with embarrassment, and still coming down from her high;while slight irritation, from her sensitive body and sleepiness from exertion, kicked in.

Her muttering caught his attention.

"Thank you for...that..."

He pulled her even closer and said nothing as they sat in the car, watching the fireworks bloom.


"Anything for you, my princess...."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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