Risky buissness

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"The shaw brothers" he called them "his best mates"
Man if I knew what those men were going to put my father through, I would have shot them myself. 2 shot gun bullets straight in the head, that's all it would've taken and the nightmare never would've
I was asleep when he left
he gave me a kiss on forehead and I woke into a daze
I heard him say "see you for tea"
"Where are you going" I asked
"To do some business" he replied
"Okay, see you tonight"
I had left for work at 8 and was driving (when I was 15 I had walked into the RTA with a fake ID and sat the test to get my L's, I forged my fathers and made up a signature for my mother so that I could get my log book filled out. After I had my L's for 6 months I could apply for my blue p's. I got them and I had a proper license just before the age of 16.)
I liked my job, I mainly liked the jobs that I got to fix up old cars and work on chevs. I worked with my uncle, he was the only person that would give me a job. No one wanted to hire a woman. "They were scared" He would tell me. It made me pissed off that I was less likely to get a job just because I was female.
I worked all day and drove home in the afternoon to find that he wasn't home. I didn't panic. It was only 5. We don't usually eat till about 7.
I did a few chores and it came to dinner time and I was cooking pasta for tea, saying too myself "dad might like this pasta so much he'll buy me new front tires with the money from this job"
I had high expectations
I finished cooking and he still wasn't home
I was getting worried
I heard the roar of his 1983 turbo GT, I let out a puff of air with a sigh. He opened the door and dropped and black bag on the ground.
"What's that" I asked curiously
"Our ticket out of debt"
"What kind of job was it"
"A quick and easy one"
"How much"
"How much" I persisted
"50k in total"
I looked down. The only thing I could think was "it couldn't have been that easy, they don't give that kind of money away for free".
"Dangerous?" I asked
"Life's dangerous" he answered
He's hiding something from me. I can tell
"Do you want some pasta" I tried to change the subject.
"No thanks, I've had a big day. I'm ready for bed."
He leaped up the stairs
When he cleared the stairs and I heard his door close, I quietly stepped over to the bag and opened it up. There it was, more money than I had ever seen in my whole life. With a note in the top of the bag. "Don't forget our deal, 9am sharp!" I read it thinking what was happening at 9 and what was the deal?
I had a feeling it was about more than just racing, it was something more serious. Probably drugs.

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