Chapter 2

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While Ela was emerged in her thoughts she did not noticed that someone has brought the food trolley, when she regained her senses she found Devin in front of her looking her dotingly. She frowned, "Mr. Hawk, I'm sorry to trouble you, could you please arrange someone to drop me at my house"? "Mr. Hawk... have you forgot my name? Do you want me remind you our relationships". Devin uttered sarcastically. Ela trembled due to coldness in his tone. One thing she understood that she cannot afford to offend the person in front of her but at the same time she is so much confused that why he is keep calling her his fiancée, whereas they have never met before today. She felt headache so she simply closed her eyes and leaned on the back of the bed. Seeing her like this Devin took the bowl of soup and said "come have dinner before rest" and started feeding her. Ela frowned and took the bowl saying, "Only my ankle got injured my hands are fine, I can feed myself". In order to avoid any further conflicts; she hurriedly finished her meal, took the quilt and tucked herself inside and said "Mr. hawk please shut the door", "Good Night". Seeing her action and listening her words Devin got agitated, he flipped the quilt picked Ela up and entered into the bathroom, before Ela could regain her senses and make any sound, she was thrown into the bath tub filled with hot water, Ela just tried to open her mouth but her lips were pressed with the lips of Devin, her eyes widen in astonishment. She struggled to catch the breath and pushed Devin with all her strength. Devin stopped his action under her protest and warned her, "I just don't understand why are you behaving so strange"? "We are a couple for two years, until now, it was always you who initiated the kiss but suddenly you are behaving so weirdly, as you don't know me"! "It's just that only being parted with you for several Months; I realized that how much I love you, otherwise you better know I would've been thrown you out of my bedroom until now". After listen these words, Ela dumbfounded, as she is completely fail to find out the situation, it is an unsolved charade for her, how just in one day she has become someone's fiancée, and that is also for two years. Judging from the behaviour the person is neither a psycho nor insane then what on the earth going on! She bit her lips and shouted, "Just stay away from me, I have nothing to do with you, I don't know you either," "Please let me go". These words put on fire in Devin's heart he ignored all the resistance, hurriedly washed Ela's body picked her up, put a bathrobe for her and throw her on the bed. Shocked by his quick action Ela almost lost her senses, she was just staring, at Devin in confusion, as she has lost all her energy. After tucking her into the bed Devin took bath, put on a bathrobe and lay down on bed beside Ela. Until now Ela returned to her senses, seeing Devin beside her she frowned and shouted, "What are you doing here?" "Get out of the bed and get out of the room"! Devin smirked; "in your dreams" saying this he pressed Ela under him, shut her mouth with his mouth, untied the bathrobe and without giving her any chance to resist thrust hard into her body. Ela frowned due to unbearable pain, "ummm... leave me you bastard", she tried hard to push him away but couldn't succeed. Due to her resistance Devin got more furious and increased his speed. He released in her body after a long exercise. Ela fainted due to over exertion. In the morning, Ela tried to open her eyes but failed as her eyelids felt pressure. She moved her hand around, her hand touched the man's body and she immediately jumped off the bed as if she has touched an electric wire.

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