Heavy sleeper

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Cassidy's POV
Xavier avoided me at school for the week, he looked miserable. Dark bags under his eyes, his normally quiffed hair was greasy, his shoulder slumped from lack of sleep. I looked no better. My blonde hair was greasy, darker bags under my eyes, and I was sleep walking.

Leaning against my locker I closed my eyes "Cass you alright?" Killian asked me concerned "fine" I snapped and stormed off the other way. I threw my stuff in my car then walked into the woods.

It was middle of the afternoon, and the woods were teeming with life. I could hear birds, squirrels, crickets, and the smell of the damp forest floor. I curled up under a tree and closed my eyes, I was to tired to fight the sleepiness that took over me.

I was cold, but something warm was laying beside me unconsciously I scooter closer to the warmth, a small smile fell on my lips, when I wasn't cold anymore.

Xavier's POV
I watched as Cassie stormed right past me and to her car, I followed silently. She threw her stuff in her car and walked into the woods. My wolf panicked and made me follow behind her. She curled under a tree asleep.

I watched her, making no harm would come.

She shivered from the cold and I stripped and shifted laying my wolf beside her small body. In her sleep she scooted closer into our body, my wolf wolf in delight. His mate wanted him.

A small frown light her beautiful face as she slept, but it was growing dark. And rouges are most activate at night. I frowned and shifted back pulling on my clothes quickly. She was still asleep. Damn, she's a heavy sleeper.

I picked her up in my arms and carried her to my car. She didn't even stir, I looked down at her. She looked like a angel. Laying her down in the back, I started my car and drove to the pack house. The living room lights were on, and I could hear a basketball game going.

Oh boy.

Gulping I picked her up again and carried her inside. The boys were screaming and yelling while the Tv blared. I winced at the noise, but she remained sleeping. I looked at her in wonder as I walked straight through the noise.

I changed her into one of my shirts and tucked her in bed. I closed my door blocking all the noise and climbed in next to her. She rolled over and laid her head and hand on my chest. Her left leg on top of mine.

So girls do sleep like this!

I slipped my arms around her and inhaled her addicting scent. It was the first time in weeks she had allowed me to touch her. I loved the sparks and tingles that exploded where we touched. It was magic.

I kissed her forehead and nuzzled her hair and sighed in content.

I have mate,and I don't intent on letting her.


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