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Kuroos emoji for when hes talking is a rooster :)
When i had walked into class i was greeted by my teacher who's really sweet. Good morning y/n how have you been "I've been alright what about you?" Just fine dear now go ahead and take a seat. I sat down alone :,D "alright for todays assignment we are going to work in pairs to see witch one can creat the mixture perfectly without a fire hazard :)"  mr lily looked at my friend alex he almost blew down the school. When the teachers told up the pairs she then paired me with a rooster looking guy named kuroo. 🐓im paired with them? Alright🐓 are you making fun of me i asked 🐓yes i dont think your good at this stuff. 🐓 i asked him to shut up or i would beat his ass. We got to work and to his shock i was good. 🐓wow im surprised you haven't made a mistake yet 🐓 i stayed quiet i finished my half of the project so it was kuroos turn. The teacher told us we couldn't help each other and he picked up the magenta pill instead of the purple pill dumbass and the teacher took notice when she saw the project blow up. She talked to kuroo and he got a c while i got a A in the project "now whos the loser" he looked at me and said shut up. I looked at him ngl he was kinda hot. Kuro looked sad when the class was over i was called to go home so i looked at kuro and gave him a kiss on the cheek and said dont be sad kuro i then left as fast as i could kuro pov they kissed me THEY KISSED ME im so happy cant wait to see then tomorrow :)

THIS SUCKEDD but i hope whoever read this hope ya enjoyed anyway now take care :)

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