Headless Hide and Seek

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It was almost midnight, and twelve-year-old Emma was wide awake. Like every night, she sits up and waits for the ghost of her brother, Timothy, to appear for their nightly game of hide and seek. Although, tonight, she was not in the mood to play and wished she could stay in bed.

The clock in the den began to chime, releasing an echo through the halls of Rose Manor. Emma still remembered when they first got that clock. The chimes would wake her up at the top of every hour. Now, they don't bother her whatsoever. She was so exhausted from staying up half the night with Timothy that she simply slept through them.

Right on time, she noticed Timothy drift down the hallway in the same black reefer coat and grass-stained brown trousers he died in the year prior. His black boots skimmed across the floor as he floated an inch off the hardwood. And like every night, his body was drifting towards her without a head since that was the thing Emma needed to find.

Emma hesitantly got out of bed. As much as she enjoyed their games of hide and seek, she wished they would do something else, but Timothy always insisted since that was his favourite game. Unfortunately, that game was also part of the reason for his accident.

On the day of the accident, their Papa bought a guillotine at auction that was said to be used during the French Revolution. It was not in use anymore and was sold off to collectors who would appreciate such items.

Papa saw it as the centerpiece among his collection of vintage pistols and swords secured behind glass display cases and the axes hanging on the walls.

When the guillotine arrived at Rose Manor, Papa invited the family into the Weapon Room after two men from the auction had finished installing it.

Timothy and Emma were not allowed in the Weapon Room, but since this was a special occasion, Papa made an exception. He prided the craftsmanship of the wood, even though it was splintered.

He also noted that the blade was still in working condition and proved it by placing a pear in the head restraint and letting go of the rope, allowing the edge to drop. The pear was sliced in half, with chunks of the fruit flying into the air.

"Now, children, remember the rules," Papa told them. "You are not allowed in the Weapon Room under any circumstance."

"Yes, Papa," they replied.

"And if you do, you will receive capital punishment," their father laughed, giving a nod towards the guillotine.

That evening, Emma and Timothy were playing a game of hide and seek – which allowed them to pass the time while their parents were in the backyard. Then, it was Emma's turn to find Timothy. After looking for him under beds, in the bathtub and around every corner of the house, Emma noticed the door to the Weapon Room was ajar.

Emma peaked into the room and noticed Timothy lying on the bench with his head face down through the restraint. The blade was being held up by the rope, which was tied to the leg of one of Papa's display cases.

"Look, Emma, I'm Marie Antoinette," he said.

"Timothy, get out of there!" she warned. "Papa warned us specifically not to come in here."

"Don't you worry, Emma," Timothy pleaded. "I secured the rope myself."

Unfortunately, the rope wasn't secure. The knot was flimsy and loosened while Timothy was trying to pull his head out of the restraint, resulting in the blade sliding down in a matter of seconds.

Emma witnessed in terror as the blade sliced her brother's head clean off his body. She stood in the doorway, petrified, as she witnessed Timothy's head roll onto the floor. She cried out as her brother's blood drained onto the hardwood. She screamed so loud that Papa and Mama ran back into the house from the garden and witnessed the horrifying event that took place.

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