The sleepover

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Okay not to be weird or anything but Lev is so hot. I mean every since the first met a month ago there has been some... sexual tension. I mean I don't want to be weird and I know that Lev isn't gay but I think that even if I told him I was gay he wouldn't mind especially since he is my best friend. I was thinking about telling him tonight when he comes to my house.


Later on in the day I'm playing video games when I get a text from Lev

Hey I'm on the way now!

Okay great I'm so excited to see you!

Me too! I miss hanging out alone with you.

Me too. Well hurry up I'm hungry and I wanna make cookies with you 😋

Okay ✨love✨ I'll be there as soon as I can.

Okay honey thank you. 😘

Levyboo 💗

Okay Lev and I have always been very flirty with each other and especially lately but I don't think he know that I mean everything I say.  And I'm glad that hopefully tonight he'll understand when I say I'm in love with him...


" HEY BABE WHERE ARE YOU" I hear Lev say as he walks through the door.  "UPSTAIRS HONEY" I reply chuckling. Then I hear him walking up the stairs then he opens my door. " Hey Jenzo baby" " aww hi my little levyboo" I say as I grab his cheeks and squeeze while talking in a baby voice. Then we both start bursting out laughing. " Okay okay" he says in-between laughs " I missed you so much" " I missed you too Lev" I say while smiling.

We walk downstairs and go to the kitchen to make cookies and I get out the cookie ingredients. And he grabs the aprons from the closet. ( where you are.. HA... sorry get back to reading now ily) I get out a big howl to put all of the ingredients in starting with the dry ingredients. " Hey where is Liliana?"
" Oh she is at her boyfriend's house tonight"
" ohhh okay" Lev says smirking.
" What?"
" Nothing" he says still smirking
" Levvvvv come on what is it" I say in a whiny tone
" Nothing it's just that you have something right.." he says as he puts some flour on my nose and says " boop"
" Oh you wanna go?"
I say as I grab a handful of flour and throw it at him. We keep throwing flour until he cracks and egg on my head.
" Oops, must have slipped" he says while smiling.
Then I chase him around the house with the egg and I win and we stop to go to bed.

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