family and chocolate

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*3rd POV *

Back at the outskirts of mantle we see whitley talking to the Atlas known as winter,whitley can tell she not happy .

*Whitley POV *

I was talking to winter and tell she not happy about something

Whitley :h-hey winter how is it going

She's do not look amuse

Whitley: so what have u been up to-

Winter: do you have any idea how worried I was!

I flinch to sudden shout

Whitley: I didn't-

Winter: twelve hours I was looking for you I didn't know where you Was!

She countiued

Winter: when clien told me that you was not at home I got worried and thought you was in your room trying get away from father

I shot back

Whitley : i didn't know what do but you never cared about me and never spend time with me

Whitley listening to his sister and what came up next that had surprise him

Winter: when you was not there and when the blizzard hit i heard two of the maids talking how grimm like blizzars, I got really worried and scared that I would lose my only brother and I never forgive myself thinkingI should,been there sooner .

When she was done I thought about apologizing

I never expect that from Winter

Whitley: i...Sorry about that

I said she let out a sigh and apologized for shouting

Winter: Sorry for shouting I was just scared that all but please don't do it again

I nod

Winter: good now let get going.
She says walking back i stop to tell her

Whitley: hey wait!!

Winter: what
I look at chomp as I have try to stall Winter

Whitley: has weiss called?

She thinks and says

Winter: no not really,

I look down and look up as tell chomp to get on top,and ge starts climbing on the bullhead

Whitley: well make sure she does next time

Winter : I'll make sure its noted

*3rd POV *

Winter unawear the white spike was on otop their ship

As everyone got inside they took off

As the they was flying chomp was thinking
What has happen

'Did those two know each other' as chomp think he start to listen inside

Winter: whitley tell me why would you leave home not knowing there is a blizzard

Whitley puase for a moment

Whitley: I couldn't stay there father is becoming more angry every time his shipment goes missing and just as what he was about to do just like he did before to wiess and you,I need to leave
So...l left

Winter look at whitley suprise
She didn't know that her brother would leave home all sudden and in a middle of a blizzard

Winter: you know if you wanted to get away from father you could had
told me

Whitley chuckled

Whitley: yeah your right

On the roof chomp was listening

Chomp was thinking

' who ever who his father is I feel like he's not worth eating' Chomp thought

As the bullhead countues on

*Time skip with Winter talking Whitley while chomp sleeps *

*3rd POV *

When the bullhead got there destination to Atlas they landed at the academy
Whitley and Winter got off not before Whitley tells chomp got off and hid around the bushes

Whitley told her he'll catch up
He turn towards the bushes,chomp popped out the bushes with his head out

Whitley look around to see no one is around

Whitley: ok listen I want you to get to somewhere hide and want to you stay there

Chomp whine not wanting to go any where .

Whitley signs and tells him he'll be okey
And gave chomp some chocolate

Whitley tell him he'll be back and left
As chomp look at the bar with a questioning look


I was look at thing whitley gave me

I wonder what it is as I use my claws to grab and smell it,it smell sweet like honey I rip It open and took a bit out of it

WHAT IN THE GREAT UNIVERSE WHAT IS THIS!!? that was came to my mind as I began eating the stuff before getting a another

*3rd POV *

While Winter and Whitley walk down the halls Whitley was thinking were to hid chomp without anyone noticing

'I hope chomp is doing ok...' Whitley thought

To be countiueed...

rise of the white spikes (rwby x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang