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*After the surgary*

*The doctor came out from the surgary room*

R: Doctor,how's Chapa?

D: Well, thankfully, the surgary sucess and you guys can also see her.

R/B/Mi/Sc: Yey!


R/B/Mi/Sc: Uh!(shocked)

D: But, she might have some bad dreams after this surgary, so take care of her and try to calm her down if she's scared or anything,got it?

B/R/Mi: Yeah.

B: So, doctor. Can I see her now?

D: Yeah, sure. She's in room 250.

B: Thx.

* Bose went into room250 and saw Chapa*

* She saw Chapa was still closing her eyes*

B: So, I just want to ask you. Is it true that you love me.

* Chapa didn't answer*

B: Well, I guess it's a yes!

B: Well, I like you too. Your the best friend I've ever met and I think I like-like you. You smells like strawberry and I hope that I can kiss you on the lips when your ready.

*Chapa still didn't answer*

*Bose sat down and sat next to Chapa*

B: So, if you can hear me. Please say something!

* two min later*

C: Bo...Bose?

B: Chapa!

C: Mi...Mika...

B: I know everything now. And she's been kicked out of danger force. Don't worry, she's gone now.

*Chapa remembered the time Mika and her have fun*


* When they're two*

M: Hey, my name is Mika, what about you?

C: My name is Chapa. Let's be friends.

M: Ok! But I want us to be BFF!

C: OK!


* When Chapa was thinking about her and Mika, a tear went down her cheeks.*

* Bose saw her crying*

B: What's wrong?

C: Nothing.

* She imediately wipe her tears away*

C: Bose?

B: Yeah?

C: And I mean it. I like-like you too.

B: Really?

C: Really.

C: And I'm always ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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