Part 5 - Why..?

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This part shows a sensitive topic (family problems) so please be warned!


You wrote Haruchiyo's name multiple times in your notebook. "This will surely make him appear again!"

You waited a few minutes for him to show. "Where is he? Hmm… maybe that idea wasn't right."

You felt a light tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see it was Haruchiyo standing behind you.

"Haruchiyo! I was waiting for you!". "Did you need me with anything?" he asked.

You took his hand and touched it firmly. "Confirmed, you are really here."

"Is everything ok, Y/n?" he doesn't know what you're doing. You stopped holding his hand and just awkwardly laughed.

"Yes. Everything's ok and under control! I think I'll go to sleep now. Good night!" you said to him, sending him away.

"Your mom's actually been calling you for the past few minutes. You should go to her before you sleep." he commented before he left.

'Mom's been calling me?'

You exited the room and went to your mom. You saw her talking to someone on the phone. She ended the conversation as soon as she saw you.

"Ma, who were you talking to?" you asked out of curiosity. "I was just… talking to a friend. Anyways, you should go to bed now."

"Oh, didn't you need me with anything just a few minutes ago?". Your mom shook her head sideways, telling you no. You didn't think of it much so you went to bed and slept. 

It's currently 4 AM, you got woken up by the sound of arguments coming from the front door. You checked what was going on and saw your parents shouting at one another. 

From Y/n's POV:
I could feel mama's head was about to burst from her anger at papa. Papa isn't usually at home because of "work". I know that he is cheating on mama with some kind of woman at his workplace but I didn't dare to inform mama about it. 

I didn't want to ruin my family. I didn't want papa to hate me.

The reason why your parents are arguing right now is because your mom found out that your dad is having an affair.

"How could you do this to me?! To our family! Can't you even think about what our daughter will feel about all this?? Use your stupid head for once!" your mom angrily spoke to him.

"She was better than you anyways! I only forced myself to love you. Haven't you noticed?" your dad fought back. You could see your mom sobbing from all the tension. 

They finally noticed how you're just plainly standing near the door, covering your mouth to not make a sound.

"I'm gonna leave this family, Aida." he had come to a conclusion to end everything with your mom.

"Good! Go live with that woman of yours!" your mom replied.

Your dad left, closing the door with a loud sound. 

"Ma…" you spoke to her, still crying. "Anak, could you leave mama alone for now? Thank you." she said to you, not making any eye contact. 

You nodded your head and went back to your room. As soon as you closed the door to your room, you grabbed a pillow and screamed your lungs out. Hoping for all the pain to go outside of your system. 

You have calmed down a bit. You opened your phone to see Haruchiyo as your wallpaper. "How I wish I was in your fictional world where everything is fun and happy.". 

You soon passed out, tired from all the crying.

-End of Part 5-

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