Until now...? |Nickolai|

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"DON'T TOUCH ME" I snapped. As I shoved her off me. My shove only backed her off a step. As expected. She always was so strong for a girl. Actually, stronger than a lotta guys too. A karate champ at the age of 13. Great at everything. She looks way hotter than the last time I saw her tho.... "Nicky...please talk to me" she said. "Don't you dare ever call me Nicky again! You lost your rights to say that" I growled as I stomped off. "NO, WAIT PLEASE, HEAR ME OUT" she yelled. I ignored her, and kept on fast walking. "I still love you after all these years!" She blurted out. I froze. No, don't listen to her, Nickolai!! "Hah, and why exactly would I believe that huh?" I scoffed, as I turned around. "After you got my heart pumping wild, after you BROKE my heart, and got together with my ENEMY. And after breaking me for every other girl! HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE YOU, Athena?!?!" I yelled. I wanted to cry...so bad. But I can't show my vulnerability. And I won't! I can't believe after 4 years, 4 DAMN YEARS, I STILL HAVE FEELINGS FOR HER. AFTER 4 STUPID YEARS, SHE STILL OWNS MY HEART. I stormed off, and ignored Athena's calls. Yes, fight strong, Nickolai! Don't let her control you! But only my body left her... because my heart stayed with her.

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