Part 13: They Knew

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Riley's POV

The moment we stepped into the room, eyes were on us. Mirage was walking next to me with his eyes shaped and ready for anyone who would come too close to me. Simmons was walking first approaching the table where two men were sitting together with the woman. The woman had black hair and she was wearing fur. 

Simmons: ''Dutch, give me something tough.'' 

He said as we came to the table. Dutch took a small book in his hands and began to look through the pages. 

Dutch: ''Baryshnikov.'' 

Man 1: ''We do speak English.'' 

Simmons slowly looked at Dutch. 

Simmons: ''Dutch, you suck.'' 

Dutch: ''It's a Cyrillic alphabet. It's like all the buttons you never push on a calculator! I don't suck.'' 

Simmons took a seat behind the table. 

Simmons: ''Agent Seymour Simmons, Sector Eight, formerly Seven. We know who you are, cosmonautics.'' 

Man 2: ''So what?'' 

Simmons: ''You were supposed to travel to the dark side of the moon, then it all got shut down. The question is, why?'' 

Asked Simmons as he poured himself some of the whiskey that was on the table. Now was not the time for drinking. The woman began to speak to the woman behind the bar in the Russian language and really soon they started to yell at each other. 

Mirage: ''The shit is about to go down Riley.'' 

He said quietly so only I could hear him. Just then the woman behind the table pulled out her gun and pointed it at Simmons. In just a few seconds all the guns in the room were pointed at each other. My gun was pointed at the guy who was holding my brother down with his gun at Sam's forehead. 

One man was pointing his gun at me, but two guns were pointed at him by Mirage who was giving him a dead stare. He was only waiting for the man to try to do something a stupid witch would end his life. 

Simmons: ''Go ahead, shoot me.'' 

The woman began to speak again. 

Simmons: ''I'm willing to die for my country. Are you?'' 

Me: ''Simmons.'' 

Simmons: ''You are beautiful. Has anyone ever told you you're beautiful? She's a beautiful woman.'' 

Just then Dutch hit the woman behind the counter and the shotgun went off. Thanks to us it didn't hit anyone. Dutch threw her on the ground and took her shotgun away from her. 

Simmons: ''Hey! Hey!'' 

Dutch pointed his gun at the man that was too close to him. 

Simmons: ''Dutch! Back in the cage.'' 

Dutch took his pistol and pointed it at another man behind him. 

Me: ''Simmons control him!'' 

Simmons: ''Dutch! Hold Dutch, hold!'' 

I was getting angry. This plane sucked. 

Sam: ''Riley... Simmons control your boy, please. Control your boy.'' 

Simmons: ''Dutch, stop.'' 

Simmons told Dutch some words which let him let go of his guns. 

Dutch: ''I'm so sorry. This is the old me.'' 

He said as he looked at the man in front of him with worried eyes. 

Me: ''Okay, let's everybody just calm down. Lower the guns and take a deep breath. Okay?'' 

Simmons: ''Yeah the World War 2 is over.'' 

I placed my gun behind my belt and everyone followed. I turned my body towards the two men that were sitting behind the table. 

Me: ''Tell us what we want to know and will we go.'' 

The next moment we knew they took us to their secret safe. 

Man 1: ''You are about to see one of the biggest Soviet secrets.'' 

As they took some of the papers from the safe we took a sat down, behind the small table. 

Man 1: ''America first to send a man on the moon. But USSR first to send cameras. In 1959, our Luna 3 take pictures of the dark, the shadow side. Sees nothing. But in 1963, Luna 4 sees-'' 

Man 2: ''Strange rocks.'' 

Man 1. ''Yeah.'' 

Man 2: ''Around the ship. Hundreds of them.'' 

Man 1: ''Show them the picture.'' 

The man gave me the picture. 

Man 1: ''With some drag marks.'' 

In the first picture, I saw the moon with some kind of marks on it. But on the second picture that I got, I saw something else. They weren't rocks. 

Me: ''This ain't rocks. These are pillars. Transformers pillars for a space bridge. We know about them because Autobots have five of these.'' 

I said as I looked back at Mirage for a moment before I looked back to the two men who were looking at me with big eyes. 

Simmons: ''Decepticons must have raided the ship before Apollo 11 ever got there, took the pillars, and hid them.'' 

Sam: ''It doesn't make sense. The Decepticons have the ship. They have all those pillars. Why would they leave Sentinel when he's the only one who can use them?'' 

Me: ''Unless...he's the one thing they still need.'' 

I slowly looked at my brother then I stood up. 

Me: ''Thank you for your information gentlemen. We need to go.'' 

I turned around and began to walk. 

Me: ''We've got to meet up with Sentinel, rendezvous with him, and keep him safe.'' 

I took out my phone and began to call Optimus. He needs to know what we figured. He answered right away. 

Phone call...

Optimus: ''Riley?'' 

Me: ''Optimus, where is Sentinel?'' 

Optimus: ''He is on his way to the base.'' 

Me: ''Send him, Bee's location. Decepticons are after him.'' 

Optimus: ''What? How do you know?'' 

Me: ''The whole thing was a setup since the beginning Optimus. Megatron wanted you to wake up Sentinel because of the pillars. He wants the space bridge. Decepticons knew that Sentinel was on the moon the whole time. They just needed you to wake him up.'' 

Optimus: ''Megatron's plane all along.'' 

Me: ''Me, Sam, Simmons, Bee, Mirage, and Sideswipe will bring Sentinel safely to the NEST.'' 

Optimus: ''Riley it can get dangerous.'' 

Me: ''I know but don't worry about me or the baby. We will be just fine. I have my guardian with me.'' 

Optimus: ''Be careful. I am 12 minutes away from you but I will come. I promise.'' 

Me: ''I know. I love you.'' 

Optimus: ''I love you too.'' 

End of the phone call...

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