Chapter No.15

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Chapter No.15.

Chara returned to Ryan and Myra with clothing. They wasted no time dressing while Chara watched.

"You lied to me, Ryan," Chara said. "This female is not a cybernetic engineer."

"That's true, but she has a degree in mechanical engineering, and I need her to help me. If you had killed her, it would make my job here much more difficult."

"I would not have destroyed her," Chara said before she turned and walked away.

"Not much of a conversationist, is she."

"True, but I think she's aware that her situation is not stable here."

Myra tilted her head and presented a curious expression. "Why?"

"Some of these androids are a more advanced model than hers. It's only a matter of time before they attempt to usurp her authority."

Myra sighed. "That doesn't bode well for our survival."

"I agree. That's why we have to come up with a way to enhance Chara's positronic brain."

"You're the only one who could do that."

Ryan gave her a frown with a hint of a smirk. "Thanks."

"We had better get busy, or she'll come back here and threaten us."

"Yes, you're right about that." Ryan stood up and went over to the wall chamber that contained broken androids. He selected one and dragged it over to the examination chair. With Myra's help he got it in place and oriented correctly to run a diagnostic scan.

"Interesting. This one has a brain block of some sort."

"There must be trillions of quantum neural connections inside that brain," Myra said. "How the hell can you isolate the problem?"

Ryan rubbed his jaw. "You know what. I think there are extra brains inside that storage bin over there. Maybe it would be easier to change her brain to a new one and then transfer the data contained in her damaged brain. The process will stop at the damaged nodal. All we have to do then is make it skip over the problem and then continue the exchange."

"It's worth a try." Myra reacted.

Ryan nodded and got up to walk to the bin that contained android parts. He selected a model AX-32 positronic brain and carried it to the workstation. The jelly-like sphere that contained a myriad of positronic nodes was mounted in a metal container with transparent sides. He sat it down on a stand near the damaged android's brain and connected a cable up from her brain to the new one. Once he verified the connection, he began the transfer."

"That'll take several hours."

"If this works, why couldn't we update Chara that way?"

Ryan blinked and then smiled. "I think you've solved the rubrics cube, my dear." Then he frowned. "Now, we have to figure out a way to convince Chara."

Later in the day, Chara visited the lab to see how things were going. Ryan and Myra were busy observing a display. Chara looked over at the androids that had been repaired, stopping to look at a particular android that had its brain repaired. She knew that it had because its hair had been removed and its skull split.

"What was wrong with this one?" Chara asked.

"She had a nodal fracture in the left hemisphere. We installed a new brain after transferring her data to it."

Chara was momentarily stunned before she blinked. "I was not aware of that being possible."

"It worked," Ryan said with a smirk. He turned to the repaired android. "Didn't it, Pako?"

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