Chapter 7

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The Next Day

As we see the Drama Club members on stage in a school assembly with the Principal at the stand with the student council on the side of the stage with Andrew standing right next to him as well.

Principal: You have all surmounted the wall between species, performed admirably, at all competitions, and have also contributed greatly to the flourishing of Cherryton Academy

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Principal: You have all surmounted the wall between species, performed admirably, at all competitions, and have also contributed greatly to the flourishing of Cherryton Academy. As such, in honor of your achievements, I present the Cherryton Academy Honorary Award.

As Louis went up to accept the reward from him with Andrew clapping for him with a lovely smile.

Principal: I expect great things from your club this year, too.

Louis: Of course, Headmaster. We're stronger together. We will now show you all the importance of that ideal here on stage.

Legoshi: (Thoughts) Everyone's cheering. Wow.

Inside the Drama Club backstage room

Kai: "Stronger together." That's rich.

Legoshi: Hey, not so loud.

Kai: He removed me from the acting roster!

Shelia: Music, if you would!

Kai: Though I'm pretty much over it.

Legoshi: That's good to hear.

Kai: Hey, have you ever wanted to be an actor?

Legoshi: No. Not once. Oh, let's adjust the lights over there.

Kai: So you were surprised when you got scouted by the advisor?

Legoshi: Huh?

Kai: All the members here were scouted, right? "An honorable club requires worthy members", apparently.

Legoshi: Mm, but how would you judge that?

Kai: Hah... How? Come on, have you seriously been in this club without knowing a thing? For example, uh... Take Sheila, that leopard in the dance group. As a poor 14-year-old, she worked as a dominatrix at a "carnivore girl club" when she got scouted. Mina the giraffe has trypophobia and can't look at her own body, and Moro the rhino is convinced that the horn that's always in her field of view is her guardian spirit. As for me, I'm a mongoose whose parents abandoned me at birth and was raised in a hyena family. There's no end to the stories you'll hear around here. Every member of the drama club has special circumstances. Only beasts with issues get to join. Apparently, they're going all-in with the underlying theme of "show your own way of life". Hey, Legoshi... What are you hiding?

Legoshi: Secrets, huh... (Thoughts) Does that mean even Louis has something he can't tell anyone? (Thoughts) Even that flawless, peerless, solitary deer?

Inside the Newspaper Club room

President: Get this through your thick heads, you idiots! I'm talking about this article! Why is there no close-up of the drama club's star actor, Louis?! And what of our beloved Student Council President Andrew?! You call yourselves members of a newspaper club?! We're selling the newspaper for only 50 yen a piece! Work as if your lives depend on it, or don't expect ink or pocket money!

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