I'm sorry

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You couldn't fight back against Mire as he bonded you with rope.

He put a bandana around your mouth and all you could do was stare up at him with hatred.

"Okay.. now that that's done.." Mire wiped the blood from his mouth from which you kicked.
"See it's fine.. we're calm.. now we can finally talk okay darling?"

You looked up at him angrily as you sat on your knees. The ropes were wrapped around your legs and your hands were tied around your back.
Mire removed the bandana from your mouth and you frowned.
"Don't give me that look.. oh geez Y/n.. you always make me the bad guy.."

You didn't respond.

"Hey.. talk to me sweetheart.. It's only for precautions. This must be your emotions out of balance. That's why you're acting like this.."
Mire bent down and rubbed your cheek with a sympathetic look.

"Did you kill Ty?"

Mire looked at you puzzled.
"No?" His voice seemed genuinely confused.

Why would Ty write an address on my back? Regardless.. I need to convince Mire to get me out these ropes..
I might have to throw Micheal under the bus..

"Prove it Mire! You're always lying to me!!" You yelled as you made tears fall down your face.
"Ah.. okay darling"

Mires POV

Why does she think Tys dead?
Still.. if she would have said any of her other friends names.. this wouldn't have been in my favor.

So there is a god..

"I promise you I haven't killed anyone since that police officer darling.. we can call him right now if you'd like.."
I looked down at your upset face.

I hate to admit how well you look tied up like that..
I'm not mad at you.

You'd didnt reply as I grabbed your phone and dialed Tys number.
It rang for a bit before he answered.

"What's up girl?"

A hint of worryness could be heard in his voice but it was covered by his joyful attitude.
I looked at your face as you bit your lip in defeat.

"Ty have you talked to Bren or Ivan lately? Or even Gina?" You asked and I smiled.

Ty better answer this question correctly.. or else.

"Yea! We've been hanging out at this new spot! I wish you could be there to check it out with us.."

I looked at your face and it seemed puzzled.
You glanced at my eyes and quickly looked away.

"Just checking.." You mumbled and I hung up the phone.

It's sad I have to lie to you..
But you'll thank me.
Now I just need to make you depend on me again.. I need to make you come back to your senses, which is with me.
Although.. I can't help but feel angry when I think about you and Micheal on the roof.

Regular POV

Ty! He said a new place! He's talking about the address..

Why is Ty using code words?
Mire did something.. I know he did and he's hiding it.
This is really pissing me off to the point I'm coming back to my senses..

I need to get out these ropes..

"Okay Mire I'm sorry.. I jumped to conclusions and I've just been in a bad mood because of.. everything.."

Half of what you were saying was true.
You were deeply wounded by the loss..
It's just Mire didn't seem to resonate with you.

At least you could tell he was pretending..

"What we're you and Micheal talking about?" Mire asked bending down with a smirk.

You had to think.

"I was telling him about our engagement. How I wanted to plan something special for you.." You smiled a little bit and Mire touched your hair.
"Oh really darling? That makes me so happy.."

Before you knew it, Mire had pushed you against the wall and had a knife to your neck.
You closed your eyes and pulled away as you let out small breathes.
"So I'm just stupid now?" Mire asked sadisticly.
"Stupid and horrible.." You mumbled and Mire chuckled.
"I'm horrible? You're the one lying to me sweetheart.. where's the trust? And you wonder why I'm so overprotective~ You're such a manipulator"

Your blood boiled.

Tears of anger streamed down your face.

"You've got to be fucking joking" You cursed at Mire and he frowned.
He picked your up and threw you on the bed.
You couldn't move and you were starting to freak out as the ropes began chafing your skin.
"So.. you said you've been going through a lot.."

Your heart dropped and you looked at Mire.

"So have I darling.. and it's hurting me so dearly.." Mires voice was anything but genuine as he came closer.
"So.. I've been thinking about how happy we were before the miscarriage.."

Your body shook at his word.
You knew what he was thinking and tried to free yourself.

"So.. how about we make another? Will that make you happy again? Will that make you stop fucking looking at me with hate in your eyes.." His voice started off sweet and became aggressive.
"Stop this Mire!" You yelled.

Mire began climbing on top of you.
You couldn't break free from the ropes.

"I haven't done anything Y/n!!! Just tell me what you want so we can go back to normal!! Do you want another baby is that it?!!"

Mire began ripping your shirt with the knife as you squirmed.
"Stop it Mire please.." you begged as tears fell down your face.
"I'll give you another one okay? Then we can get married and be happy again.. I'll give you anything you want.." Mires eyes were crazed as he began licking your stomach.
"I don't want this!!"
You yelled but he ignored you as you heard his pants unzip.
"We'll be happy again I promise.. just tell me what you want darling, I'll make you happy again!"
"I don't want to be with you anymore!!!" You screamed and he paused.

Your tears seized and fear built as Mire didn't move.


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