Chapter 6

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"Holy shit Pansy's says." I sit up quickly to see her standing there from the same dress as last night looking at me with her jaw dropped. Tom rolls over in his sleep.
"Shut up I whisper yell."
Pushing he into the bathroom and quietly shutting the door
"I thought you to were done with this whole thing Pansy asks?"
"Yeah me to I say." Running my finger through my hair
"What about Cedric she asks?"
"It's not like I cheated he's not my boyfriend I say."
"I know Pansy says, won't he be upset if he finds out she asks?"
"Well it's not like I'm going to tell him I say." She looks at me with disappointment in her eyes.
"It will be better if he hears it from you she says."

"I..I just I say." Tears filling my eyes she pulls me into a hug
"Look It's get it okay you and Tom have a whole backstory she says."
"I like Cedric I really do I say." Crying into her shoulder
"And we all know that but you feel safe with Tom she says."
"Yeah I say." Wiping my tear away I hear Tom stand up from the bed
"I'll take care of it if you want Pansy says."
"Please I say." Pansy walks out of the bathroom I hear muffled voices Pansy walks into the bathroom
"Tom said he wants his shirt back by tonight and to remind you to take the vial she says."
"Oh fuck I'm out I say." Running my hands through my hair and looking into the mirror and red spot on my neck.
"I have a fucking hickey I say." Slapping my head into my hands
"Don't worry about it go get dressed Pansy says."
I slip on my black shirt and white button up slip on my robe and walk out of the room.
"Ready Pansy asks."
"As ready as I'll ever be I say." We walk down stairs to the guys arguing at the bottom
"She was drunk that was fucked up Draco says."
"Fuck you Malfoy what about you and Pansy Tom says."
"That's different.." I cut him off
"Enough I say." They all look at me
"I'm fucking hungry so let's go I say." Pushing through them they all follow behind me I walk into the dining hall everyone looks at me and starts whispering. I sit down burying my face in my hands
"It's fine brynlee they can't know already Pansy says."
"We didn't even see you leave with him Theodore says." Rubbing my back
"If anyone says anything I'm going to punch their face in Mattheo says." Causing me to giggle
"Thanks guys." All the sudden there music and Cedric walks into the hall.
*can't stop the feeling start playing* Cedric starts dancing over to our table I smile at him as he sings the song dancing with his friends when he reaches me it's stops.
"Brynlee Nightshade will you be my girlfriend he asks." I smile and jump up hugging him
"Of course I say."
"She said yes his friends yell!" I blush putting my face into his chest he moves my chin up to him.
"Don't it's cute when you blush he says." I smile and kiss him.
Thursday night we are in the goblet room the night of the chosen.
"Sit down please. And now the moment
you've all been waiting for, the champions
selection Dumbledore says."
"Good luck I say." Kissing Cedric and walking to my friends sitting in between Mattheo and Draco. Dumbledore approaches the blue flame and it glows red. A name comes out, Everyone looks on anxiously.
"The Durmstrang champion is ... Viktor
The Durmstrang crowd cheer. Another name comes out.
"The champion from Beauxbatons... Fleur
The Beauxbatons girls cheer as Fleur walks up. And another name comes out. My friends and I start drum rolling on our legs.
"The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!"
We all cheer as Cedric takes the stage he looks so happy he smiles at me and winks making me blush.
"Excellent! we now have our three champions!
But in the end only one will go down
in history. Only one will hoist this
chalice of champions, this vessel of
victory the tri-wizard cup!"
People cheer, but the goblet glows red once more and another
name flies out. Dumbledore takes it and reads..
"Harry.. Harry Potter he says." Whisper spreads through the crowd
"Oh no I say."
"HARRY POTTER Dumbledore yells!" Hermione pushes him up Harry slowly walks up. Dumbledore gives him the paper. Voices
in the crowd shout out.
"He's a cheat he's not even 17 yet."
"Shut up I yell." And the chosen walk off
"You really think Harry put his name in Pansy asks?"
"No way he hated the idea of it I say."
"Or maybe he wants attention Draco says."
"Draco I say."
"Sorry just saying what everyone's thinking he says." Mattheo and Tom look at each other and nod the stand up.
"We will be back Mattheo says."
"Wear are you going i ask."
"To pee Tom says."
"Together Pansy asks." They nod their heads then walk off
"Weird Theodore says." And the group starts talking again
Something was going on and I was going to figure it out.
We all walk into the common room
"How do you think he did it Blaise asks?"
"For the last time Harry didn't put his name in there I say."
"Of course he did what are you going on about Draco says."
"Look Malfoy he hated the idea of the challenges he wouldn't put his name in there I say."
"Then he payed and older classmate to Theodore says."
"No he didn't I say." Rudely storming up to my dorm and slamming the door shut.
"Fuckk I yell!" I start throwing things around I reach my door grabbing my razor blade I pull up my skirt cutting the inside of my thigh blood trickles down as the pain take over my body like a high.
"Brynlee Pansy says." Walking into the room
"Holy shit she says." I look up from where I'm sitting and there's broken glass everywhere I stay crying and hug my knees to my chest.
"It's okay we will clean it up Theodore says." Helping Pansy clean

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