Chapter 10

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"I can't breath I say." Holding my stomach
"Is your dress too tight Pansy asks?"
"No I'm just super nervous I say."
"Don't be you look freaking hot and Tom might faint she says." Causing me to laugh a little we descend the stairs of the common room to the boys Tom stares at me in awe.
"You look beautiful he says." Extending his hand to me I take it and he pulls me closer to him kissing my cheek. Pansy gets with Blaise and we go into the hall to see everyone else's dates. Draco with some beaux Mattheo had no date and Theodore with Luna lovegood.
"Well don't we all look dashing I say." Luna laughs god I love that girl we all walk down the stairs to see Cedric standing there with Cho. Toms arm quickly snakes around my waist and he pulls me closer to him and whisper in my ear.
"Act like your having the time of your life he says."
"What if I am I say." Smiling at him
"You look beautiful Cedric says." Cho slaps his chest and he just rolls his eyes at her.
"Thank you I say." I walk away from Them and towards Harry and Ron.
"Wow don't you just like lovely I say."
"Bloody hell Brynlee you look.. Ron says."
"Hot Harry says."
"Why thank you I say." Blushing
"We should get inside love Tom says." Grabbing my hand
"Yeah well good luck Harry I say." Interlocking my fingers with Tom as we walk into the ballroom all eyes are on me I just smile at Tom and we walk into the corner he places his hands on my waist and stands behind me.
"Holy shit is that Hermione with Krum Mattheo asks?"
"What I say." And look to see her walking down with the other champions with the biggest grin I've ever seen.
"Good for her I say." Smiling
"I thought he was gonna ask you Theodore says."
"He did, I said no."
"Wait really Tom asks?"
"Yep rather go with you anyways I say." He grins holding my waist a little tighter and kisses my cheek.
Loud music plays as the champions head to the dancefloor with their partners. They dance. Soon others are joining in, Dumbledore and McGonagall, Mr Filch and his cat, Hagrid and Madame Maxime. Mad-Eye sits on the sidelines drinking.
"Dance with me Tom says." Pulling me out on the floor dancing with me
"Your a good dancer I say."
"Yes but you already knew this he says." Doing the lift part of the dance he doesn't struggle at all
"Okay I know I'm not that light I say."
"You pretty light princess Tom says." Dipping me as the song changes.
Rock music Blast through me as we all jump in a big group laughing and having a great time.
It gets hot
"Drinks I ask?"
"Yeah okay Tom says." Grabbing my hand and taking me away I see the trio arguing
"Woah what's going on I ask?"
"Ron's being a complete arse Hermione says."
Walking off
"Don't you dare be rude to her Weasley you like her so just admit it instead of being an ass I say." Hands grip my waist
"You okay Tom asks?"
"I'm fine tired though can we be done I ask?"
"Of course love." He hands the two drinks to Parvati and Padma and we head upstairs his hand never leaving the small of my back. We reach my dorm.
"Goodnight he says." Kissing my forehead
"Your not coming in I ask?"
"That's not really what you want he says."
"How do you know what I want I ask?"
"Because I know you through and through there is nothing you can hide from me Tom says."
"Oh but you hide things from me I say." His face goes emotionless
"I have no idea what your talking about he says."
"You sneak off with Mattheo all the time and don't tell me where you go I say."
"Because we are just hanging out brother bonding Tom says."
"And yet you continue to lie to me I say." Pushing him against the wall and kiss him he kisses me back for a moment then pulls away.
"Brynlee I he says." I kiss his neck
"Don't tell me you don't want this I whisper."
"No of course I do just.." I touch him through his pants feeling him go hard underneath my touch
"Then shut up and let me I say." His hand grabs my throat as he pushes me against the wall opposite of us.
"I'm not Cedric I will not be submissive to you Princess he says."
"I like when your rough with me I say."
"I fucking hate you Tom says." Then aggressively attacks my lips biting into my lip hard causing me moan and slips his tongue in my mouth his hand slide into the slit of my dress running his fingers across my thigh.
"I love this dress he says." In between kissing my down my neck.
"Why I ask."
"Easy access he says." Slipping his fingers into my underwear and stroking me.
"Your so fucking hot under my touch he says." Kissing my lips again as he sticks two fingers inside me.
I moan into his mouth As he goes faster and faster in and out of me
"Tom I moan." I hear footsteps up the stairs and Tom steps away from me
"Hey guys Draco says."
"Oh hey Tom says." I squeeze my legs together trying to create some friction
"Did I interrupt something Draco asks?" With a grin
"You already know that answer so fuck off I say." Grabbing Tom and pushing him into my room
"Dress now I say." He unzips my dress and I slip out of it and push him on the bed as he takes off his shirt I undo his pants.
"Fuck I want you so bad, but I can't fucking get this undone he says." I giggle at him climbing on top of him and help unbutton his shirt he smiles at me.
"Better I ask?" As he takes off his shirt
"Much he says." Sliding me on him he removes my bra and suck my nipple and bites down
"Ow fuck I say." Slapping his head he looks up at him his eyes full of lust
"Do that again he says." I slap him again he smiles he moves my hand down to my underwear and makes me touch myself.
"Your so wet princess he says." I move my hand and stick my finger in his mouth
"Now fuck me I say." We quickly remove our pants and I straddle him putting his tips inside me then sick down he lets of a strangled gasp and I start moving my hips
"Fuck harder princess he says."

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