Breach of Contract

233 18 40

Your happiness is my greatest downfall.

Osamu woke up a bit sore, not recognizing where he was.

Then, he looked down, finding Sakusa sleeping on his chest.

So they fell asleep on the couch...


A pang of guilt and excitement made him wake up completely and get mesmerized for a while watching his long secret love sleeping peacefully.

He looked gorgeous.

But then, he remembered to check the time, realizing he was going to be late for work.

"Sakusa...", he whispered, making the black-haired man grunt, tightening his grip on his shirt.

"Sakusa, hey, I have to go".

He opened his eyes, looking only at the latter's neck and jaw, smiling at the familiarity of those features.

But that loving feeling stopped once he realized his grey hair.

Osamu noticed the change in his look, so he quickly got up and readied himself to leave.

"Osamu", Kiyoomi stopped him when he was about to open the door.
"Can... Can you... Can you come over tonight, too, Samu? Please".

Osamu gave him a sad smile and nodded before he left to start a very emotionally contradictory day.

He decided to push those self-loading thoughts about him betraying Atsumu under a mental rug and convinced himself that he was doing all of this for Sakusa's well-being.

Just for him.

But in reality, this is a selfish chance for him to fulfill those years of fantasies he'd had about Sakusa, hoping that maybe he could really see him and his true feelings.

That night, just like it happened two or three times a week, Kiyoomi asked him to visit him and requested a bunch of favors. In the beginning, it was for them to cuddle and watch a movie together, or even take a nap in each other's arms sometimes.

But Sakusa felt like it wasn't enough.

"Osamu... Can you stroke my hair?", said as he sat back on the couch, longing for Tsumu's way to move his fingers around his hair, always making circles with a few strands, then running his fingers up and down his cheeks, getting on his forehead after, to finally kiss his moles. He always did that, and he loved it.

The grey-haired man did as he was told, nervous and tense at first. But then, he looked closely at how Sakusa relaxed, slowly moving until his head was on his lap.

He looked like he fully trusts him.

So, Osamu began to caress Kiyoomi more intently, slowly, enjoying running his fingers through his soft hair and sharp jawline, feeling his heartbeat rising as he caressed his forehead, making circles with his thumb around his forehead's moles.

He'd always liked those two moles. They were like an ornament to his
beautiful face.

He got captivated by the sight, and soon after, he couldn't resist the impulse of kissing those spots.

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