Pre-Arrival, (1/2)

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"Sir, we found one."

"What Its more it is not far away we could make it"

"wWhat makes you say it in good condition for our people to live there?"

"They could not be making that kind of music if they were in bad conditions"

"Do you know their atmospheric conditions?"

Their open database network(our lovely internet) tells us quite a lot after researching. And while we are still analyzing  data, we think we can live there. 

"Do you think they will receive us?" It was not how well or not that was manageable for them,  They had a lot of power to conquer the world if necessary, but they always talked with the inhabitants of the worlds race. But they could not take that luxury this time. And fly away searching for another planet. They were running barely and would die if they did not land on a good planet in the following month.

"Some will, some wont. I"

"How long untile we reach the planet?"

"5 days at max speed."

".....Then go max speed pilots. We will try diplomacy one more time but if it doesnt work. We eliminate the threat and let the rest keep their families. Analize the strongest points pepare to attack. But dont go unless i say so understood?" said the mans voice.

"Understood sir" Said the womans voice

A/n: I will upload my own art. But it will take time to do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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