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it was a windy night when Felix was walking home exhausted from all the stress and the pressure on him from school,

He watched as the wind get stronger and stronger making the tree leaves fall to the green grass. as he was walking.

He slowly closed his eyes when he opened them back he saw a motorcycle coming towards him making both of them fall on each other.

"YOU-" the boy said but a loud yelling of a group of boy interrupted . He took felix hand and ran away while the boys chased him.

"U have to watch where u go next time" the boy said. "It was u who didn't watc-" felix said watching the boy covered his mouth before finishing what he was gonna say.

"This way" the tall boy said going around some bushes hiding from them. he covered felix mouth, when hearing them coming, "I'll take this way and u take this" they heard them say.

They finally came out, "why dragging me into this" felix said. "Shhh I hear them" the tall boy said shushing felix. But they really came the tall boy gave felix his helmet and said "run away"

they finally came "finally found u think u can run away?" One of the boy said from . They came closer to the tall boy and punched his stomach several times as they reached his face he

stopped them and said "not gonna let u touch my pretty face" one of the boy replied with "U son of a b-" before letting one of them finish they heard a loud larm "shit the police" the leader said while the whole gang ran away.

Felix stopped the alarm and walked up to the dude. They both were alone now the awkward silence was to loud. "I am just gonna go" felix said and ran away. "HEY MY helmet..." the boy yelled at felix watching him run.

"what a crazy day" felix says as he entered his room, "SHIT HIS FVCKING HELMET" felix whisper yell not trying to make his parents hear.

felix panicked for good 15 minutes before making the situation get alot worse, he quickley changed his clothes and went to bed scrolling on tiktok before shutting his eyes down and get a goodnightsleep.

thank you all for reading. ❤️❤️

motorcycle dude {hyunlix} Where stories live. Discover now