Chapter Thirteen *Unedited*

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~*Harry's POV*~ (Three Weeks Later)

I stood in the kitchen as the pop-corn popped, my eyes on the Calender as I waited.

Two more weeks and Isa would start school. I was delighted yet terrified by the idea. My heart soaring at the thought of more alone time with Leigh. But my mind racing at how Isabella gone for hours a day would effect her. Especially as to how protective she was.

I myself, was a little worried to see Isa start school. But that feeling was over ruled by my pride in Isa. I knew she would do well in school, she was a bright child. She was my little girl. She, just like her sister, had captured my heart the second she pulled my pant leg that day in the crowded mall. A small smile forming on my lips at the memory of that day.

The day that started everything.

"Harry hurry up!" Leigh called, her laughter breaking me from my daze.

I chuckled, marking another day off the Calender as I grabbed the large bowl of popcorn. My feet padding softly across the floor as I headed to the living room. My chest filled with warmth and excitement as I was beginning another amazing day, with the two girls whom I had grown to love much more than I ever thought my heart could stand.

*Leigh's POV*

"Harry hurry up!" I called, giggling with Isa as my arms wrapped around her. Harry had became well, a part of the family so to speak. He was here as much as possible with his schedule, Sunday's becoming our lazy day. Our hours spent by watching movies and making as much food as possible.

His relationship with Isa was absolutely adorable. The amount of pride he had in his eyes as he watched her sing and dance around the living room. The love in his eyes as we put her to sleep. My heart filling with pride at the thought.

It had literally, gotten to the point that it felt weird when he wasn't here. An emptiness almost, our friendship growing stronger and stronger over the past few weeks.

My feelings for him slowly growing as well. Almost like an infection, so hot as it spread through my body, nothing could put it out. No matter how hard I tried to fight it.

"Alright alright." He laughed, his voice, as always breaking me from my thoughts as he placed the huge bowl of popcorn on the table as he sat next to me, his arm snaking around my shoulders in the same second.

I grimaced as the door rang just as I had gotten comfortable. My head on Harry's shoulder as he scrolled through the channels.

"Ughhh!" I moaned tiredly as I walked to the door. Harry's chuckle filling my ears in the same second.

I looked down at the empty porch, only to find a bouquet of Red Roses. What?

Slowly, I picked up the vase and closed the door my eyes now on Harry questioningly as I placed it on the table, the small card in my hand now.

"Harry?" I asked trying to grab his attention.

"Isn't the point of giving a girl flowers to surprise her when your gone?" I asked jokingly, my eyes filled with confusion, why would he have flowers brought to the house when he could of brought them himself?

His head shot up instantly his eyes also confused as he watched me.

"I didn't send you any flowers love." He said standing now. His eyes filled with worry as I handed him the small card. My eyes watching him as he opened it.

A gasp escaped his lips as he stood there, his eyes growing wider by the second. My nerves beginning to run wild.

"Hazza?" I asked my hand running through his curls slowly. He gulped, showing me the card, his eyes filled with pain as he looked at me.

I grabbed the card quickly. My heart stopping in its tracks at the site.

Just like the note, the note from all those years ago.

Right there in my fathers sloppy script. Were two very, very, simple words.

I'm sorry.



AH! You guys give me love is #95 on the fanfic list :) I cant thank you guys enough for supporting this fic! Im absolutely ecstatic!

Im sorry chaps seem to be shorter lately :/ Aria and I have been handling alot, and I have family things on top of it. But as things begin to settle chaps will gain length again :3

So what do you guys think of this chap? Love it? Hate it? Remember to Vote/Comment as always :) Next update should be sometime during the weekend

Take care



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