Chapter 18 - Part Two *Unedited*

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"Leigh?" He asked incredulously, shock filling the air between the two of us.

I just stood there silent. My eyes adjusting to the site. He looked exactly the same, his grey eyes dark against his pale skin, his dark hair tousled to the side as always.

"Leigh. Where's your mum?" He asked cautiously, the smell of alcohol filling the air as he spoke.


Isa's voice snapped me from my trance my head whipping , my arm between my dad and the door frame in the next second.

"Leelee whos that?" She mumbled sleepily her hair a disheveled mess.

"Upstairs. Now. " I said calmly, her green eyes filled with fear as she looked between me and our father, nodding slowly and running upstairs.

I spun around my eyes on him again.

"Why doesnt she know who I am."

I scoffed, my blood boiling at the audacity of the question.

"I don't know, you left when she was weeks old. We found no reason to tell her about you." I stated simply, my body tensing as his eyes shifted, the light leaving them as he clenched his jaw, a look that was all too familiar to me.

"Where. Is. Your. Mum." He asked again, each word filled to the brim with anger as he spoke.

"She's dead."

I regretted the words instantly, my fathers hand coming across my face in one swift movement.

"Leigh. Where is your mother." He hissed, his drunk side coming out more now as he took a swig from his flask, quickly shoving it back in his coat pocket.

"She killed herself last year. Because she was so heartbroken over someone who never gave a damn about her. Someone who not only left her but her kids behind as well. Someone who's only way of showing affection is a slap across the face. She killed herself because of YOU" I hissed, my brain running a hundred miles and hour as I watched him absorb this. His eyes growing darker and darker by the second.

He came forward, his hand ready to strike me again as I fell back.

My cries caught in my throat, my vision darkening as history repeated itself.

My body, and mind, submerging themselves in darkness, hoping to protect my very being from the blows.

I could faintly hear my fathers yells as my body began to numb.

And then, my subconscious finally took over. The dark edges of my vision now completely covering me. My mind floating through the cold darkness.

Waiting for the fire in my chest, to awaken yet again.

*Harry's POV*

I sighed, slamming my fist on the table.

"What the hell mate?" Niall asked his blue eyes locked on me as he walked in the room.

"Leigh hasn't answered since yesterday." I hissed in frustration. This wasn't like her, and she knew how much I worried. She knew how terrified I was of leaving her and Isa alone with her dad wandering around.

But what got to me the most was, I knew, how important our phone conversations had became since I left. They were what held us together while we were apart.

Niall looked at me shocked, sitting across from me as I collected myself.

I grimaced, suddenly feeling the knotts begin in my stomach. My nerves running high.

Something. Was wrong.

Maybe it was intuition.

Maybe it was instinct.

Maybe it was the fact that the fire in my chest that burned so brightly, had suddenly ran cold.

But something, wasn't right.

I shot up instantly, grabbing my blazer and heading for the door at the realization.

"Haz? Where you goin?" Niall called, worry lacing his voice.

"To get Simon." I said grabbing my keys.

"I'm going home."


Sigh -

I'm sorry this is kinda short /.\ I'm dealing with fam and am just overwhelemed atm - I really hope you guys like this chap though :/

Next update will be asap tomorrow since my phone might be going down Friday. Next update will also be completely in Harry's pov ;3


And I just wanted to thank you guys again for reading and supporting my writing. I really didn't think I'd ever get 200 reads. Let alone almost 18k. So thank you, it really does mean the world to me.

Goodnight loves,

Take care



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