Chapter one

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MA: hey peeps. been a while since i posted anything here. well, i'm back with some more pearlshipping goodness. i got inspired to write this fic from a romance novel on amazon i read a few months back, called "Maid for Majesty". if you can ignore the editing and historical inaccuracies, it's a pretty good read. so if you are interested, go over and buy a copy. i do hope you all enjoy this and if i get enough reviews, i'll definitely work on chapter two. so without further adieu, ON WITH THE FIC!!



Dawn Berlizt sat alone in her small bed in the servants quarters, thumbing through her copy of the Index of Legendary Pokemon as she waited for the early bell to ring for service time. This was one of the few times she could enjoy a nice bit of reading before the stresses of being a maid in the service of lady Ursula. Very few people in the mansion knew that she could read, as well as write and she preferred to keep it that way. Dawn kept her head down when it came to getting the attention of the cruel young mistress of the manor.

Ursula was known to be vain and barbarous in equal measure, especially to girls of a similar age to her, which Dawn was. She would find any reason to whip or "punish" members of the staff, male or female. The only ones who could seem to quell her outbursts of abusive rage were her parents and her older brother, Conrad.

The lord and lady of the house of Corvis were barely around these days. Always off on some adventure to seek greater wealth and glory for their family, so very little was expected of them. Conrad was another story. Dawn shivered as she thought of the bespectacled master of the household. He had always had an eye for her, since the day she moved in over 2 years. No major sexual advances but the way he leered at her and commented about her deep blue hair didn't endear her to him. She feared deep down that his comments wouldn't just stay comments for long.

Her thoughts were broken up by the sound of the bell in the quarters. It was time to go to work. Hurriedly, she placed the book under her pillow and scurried to her feet, smoothing out her maid's uniform as she did. Everyone knew well enough not to be late when it was time for work to be done.

Outside of the quarters, she saw the rest of the serving staff fill into the main hall. The butlers, maid, cleaners, and various others in the service of house Corvis were dutifully filing into line as the head butler of the estate, mr. Deeds stood at the head of the group.

"Settle down, now," he commanded in his old but dignified voice. "Now, that we are all here, let's get down to business." he gestured to the job board next to him. "In case you weren't informed, in approximately 2 nights, Lady Ursula will be hosting a party for his royal highness, prince Ash. As such, we will present to his majesty a clean and orderly house. So, until the night of the party, we shall endeavor to clean this house from top to bottom. Your jobs for the day can be found on the board. And no slacking!"

Mr. Deeds casually walked away as the staff assembled by the board to see where they were assigned. Dawn held back a bit from the crowd, alongside another of the maids, a blonde haired woman named Karen. After the crowd had thinned out a bit, the two young maids made their way over and scanned it for their names.

"Yes!" exclaimed Karen. "I got the dress closets!"

"Lucky you," said Dawn. "That's easy work."

"What about you, Dawn?"

The bluette searched for her name and her assigned task. Once she found it, she deflated upon seeing where she had to clean. "I got the music room."

Karen paled upon hearing her answer and gently rubbed her back. "Oh love. I'm so sorry."

Dawn sighed. "I don't see why we even have to clean it. I doubt the prince would want to even see the music room. Waste of time, that is."

"Nothing doing, hun. You know how thorough old man Deeds is. 'Everything has to be clean, even if no one sees it.'" she said, doing her best Deeds impression. It did enough to lighten her mood a bit, despite the arduous task ahead of her.

"He would say that, wouldn't he?" The girls had nothing really bad to say about mr. Deeds. He was an old hand when it came to general maintenance. He was a hardass and stickler for proper edicate but he was a teddy bear compared to Ursula and Conrad.

"Sooner we start, sooner we finish," said Karen.

"You got a point. Guess I better hit it."

"How about this? If I finish early, I'll swing by and see if I can help you finish up."

"Oh you don't have to do that, Karen."

"Come off it, hun. What are friends for?"

Dawn gave her friend a hug for her gesture. "Thanks. And hopefully, I'll have time to stop in town when I'm done."

"Again?" she said, aghast at her friend's plans. "Dawn, you're gonna get caught one of these days."

Dawn smirked at her. "No need to worry. If they hadn't noticed before, they won't notice now."


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