Maid For The Prince, chapter 2

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MA: hey peoples. long time, no write. things have been happening since i last posted but the biggest thing was the untimely death of my great aunt. she was like a second mother to me and someone who's been in my life since i was just a baby. losing her has been one of the hardest, most emotionally trying times in my life and i probably would've quit writing if i didn't learn something. as me, my dad, and my brother in law were cleaning out her house to be sold, i found 2 copies of my novel in her cabinet. my aunt wasn't a reader but she still read my book because i wrote it. after that, my desire to write was restored and i plan to keep writing to make her proud of me. so expect more work from me, and not just on pokemon stuff. so thanks for sticking with me after 20 years of fanfic writings. i hope you enjoy this new chapter of this new work. and now, ON WITH THE FIC!



"Dear Arceus, my feet feel like I've been walking on glass," complained Karen as she rubbed her soles.

"It's been 2 days!" exclaimed Barry before taking a sip of his water. "You should be feeling somewhat better."

"It doesn't help that Ursula's been grinding on us hard," added Dawn as she finished off today's stew. It wasn't the best, since the meat was a bit overcooked but it was edible enough.

"I swear, all this work is gonna be the death of us," Karen added.

"Stop being a drama queen," said Dawn. "clean up is almost done."

"I'd rather it be 'completely' done than 'almost'."

"You maids got it easy," spoke Barry, as he finished off his bread roll. "Deeds has been running us stable crew ragged!"

"Really? Figured you guys had it easy."

"The Damn we do! Apparently, the guest's pokemon didn't care for the feed we use. Didn't keep it down, if you get my drift."

The two young ladies paled at the thought of what Barry had to deal with. "You're right. You DO got it bad."

"But I envy you, Dawn. you were SOOO lucky."

Dawn looked at her friend as if she grew another head. "What are you talking about?"

"Duh! I mean you getting to be all chummy with Prince Ash."

Dawn's face flushed red for a second. "We were not chummy. In case you forgot, I totally embarrassed myself."

"And yet he wasn't mad. Hells, you even got to talk to him!"

"It's not that big a deal, Karen."

"Like hells!" chimed in Barry. "It's rare for folks like us to even SEE a member of the royal family. And there you were, chatting it up with the future emperor."

"We weren't chatting it up. He was just being nice," she said, trying to defuse the excitement in her friends' eyes.


"So what?"

"What was he like?"

"Yeah, give us the lowdown."

Dawn hesitated for a bit. She was unsure about how and what to tell them. She didn't want to give them the impression that she and the prince were anything more than passing associates that night, but she couldn't just leave them hanging. Not to mention, they'd bug her all week until she gave up the details. She sighed a bit before speaking again. "He was....better than I imagined."

Karen smirked ecstatically "I knew it! I knew he'd win you over, hun!"

"It wasn't like that!" the bluette countered. "It's just...."

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