Chapter 1

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Moonwing's POV:

"Wait what?!" Shadowsight asked, bewildered.

Moonwing shook her head confused, what had happened? judging by the look on Shadowsight's face it must be peculiar another prophecy or omen from StarClan maybe? It was best to ask what had happened, but she didn't want to make this conversation longer, so she just ignored the question.

"Nothing-" Moonwing said quickly. "There's nothing to worry about, c'mon I'll show you your nest."

Shadowsight's POV:

Well that was certainly weird, Shadowsight thought as they padded towards the medicine den, I wonder what that was about.

"Why hello there! Welcome, you must be Shadowsight!" a she-cat mewed, she had a light brown and white tabby pelt with blue eyes.

"Yes... Who are you?" Shadowsight asked.

"I'm Meadowfrost, the medicine cat of course!" the she-cat replied.

"Meadowfrost, can Shadowsight stay in the medicine den for awhile? I'm sure he can put himself to some use." Moonwing interruped.

"Of course, of course," Meadowfrost said. "Nettlewish! Come here please."

A pretty brown and black tortoiseshell she-cat showed up immediately, almost like she teleported. Nettlewish, or at least that was probably her name judging by what Meadowfrost said, looked kind and eager to please others, a nice cat judging by her looks, Shadowsight observed.

"Why hello there!" Nettlewish said happily. "Who might you be?"

"This is Shadowsight,"  Moonwing explained. "He comes from the distant clans."

"Yes that is true, please don't suddenly freak out," Meadowfrost added. "Also, please show Shadowsight around the medicine den while I go collect more catmint, leaf-bare is coming soon and I need more supplies.

"Okay!" Nettlewish agreed. "C'mon Shadowsight let me show you where you can sleep! I'll bring some moss."

"That's very kind of you, but I'll help." Shadowsight said.

"Hello Nettlewish!" a voice said happily from behind them.

"Oh! Hi Softpaw, what do you need?" Nettlewish asked.

"Is that how you treat a best friend?" Softpaw asked jokingly.

Shadowsight chuckled, it was never this chaotic in ShadowClan, besides when somebody gets hurt and he had to treat them. Softpaw then burst out into laughter.

"The look of confusion in your eyes though!" Softpaw said while still laughing.

"I don't get it-" said Nettlewish.

"It was nothing, I just started laughing since Shadowsight chuckled," Softpaw said then turned to Shadowsight. "By the way, that was not an insult, you have a nice laugh."

"Thank you?..." Shadowsight replied no sure what to say.

"We're wasting time! Shadowsight, let's go get the moss now, see you later Softpaw!" Nettlewish said.

"Okay! Later."

A/N - this was added after I read this chapter- I swear Softpaw has ADHD the way I wrote her

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