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A/N: HI this is my first story so if there are things that could be improved let me know. I warn you English is NOT my first language so there will surely be mistakes.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Voldemort pov

31st of October 1981

Last week Wormtail came to me with the location of the Potter's, as the prophecy say's one of the Potter child will cause my downfall, I decided to kill them before they could kill me.

As I walk down the street, a stupid little kid came to me and said with a pitchy voice "I love your costume sir" I flashed my crimson eyes at him and he ran away crying for his mother.

When I finally reached Godric's Hollow I blew the door open to find James Potter wand in hand, ready to attack.
I sent him a stunning spell and continued my way to the twins nursery. I opened the door and saw Lily Potter blocking me from the children in the cribs, I sent another stunning spell to her and she hit the floor. I stepped over her body and saw two cribs with nameplates on them. I looked at the two kids and tried to decide which one to kill first. Henry Remus Potter was written on the first crib nameplate. Henry was a fat baby with red hair and brown eyes. Then I looked at the other child and was stunned by his beauty, He has black messy hair with Avada kedavra green eyes. Magic folded around him, I was now sure this was the kid who was going to kill me. I looked at the nameplate and read Harry James Potter. I decided to kill him first as he was more powerful than his brother.

I pointed my wand at him and said "sorry little one, you could have joined me but I doubt your parents would allow it" I sighed contrary to what people think, I don't like to kill. This war was supposed to be political but the old goat kidnapped the children of my followers and we could not accept that.

I muttered the killing curse it hit the boy and rebounded, I didn't have the time to dodge it and the curse hit him in the chest ripping his soul from his body. The magical backlash caused the ceiling to cave in and a piece of wood hit Henry on the cheek leaving a "V" shaped scar.

Third person pov

10 minutes later Sirius Black entered the house in panic, when he saw James on the floor he rushed to him to feel his pulse. The black haired man sighed when he found his best friend pulse. He quickly cast "Enervate". When James woke up he immediately gave him a hug.

"Padfoot?" He muttered

"Yes Prongs. Merlin I thought you were dead."

At the mention of dead James sprang to his feet and ran up the stairs shouting "LILY, HENRY, HARRY!" Sirius followed him. When they opened the nursery door they saw Lily on the floor. James took out his wand and muttered "Enervate" Lily stirred, when she saw James she started panicking and shouted "HENRY, HARRY! ARE THEY ALRIGHT!?"

James then went to the cribs and picked Henry up while Sirius picked his godson up. Little did he know there was a lightning bolt scar there covered by his messy hair.

When Lily saw her children she started crying in relief.

They went to the fireplace and used the floo network to go to the headmaster office.

When the headmaster saw them he greeted them and said "Hello James, Lily, Sirius. What can I do for you?"

James began to explain what had happened.

Dumbledore whent forward to examine the twins. He checked them and saw Henry was marked with a V shaped scar. He picked him up and said "Henry Potter is 'The Boy-Who-Lived'. He as a V shaped scar that means Voldemort." Sirius and the Potter shudder at the mention of 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named' "I believe Voldemort is not dead, I believe he found a way to be partially immortal, Henry will need special training as he must defeat him."

As they heard that James and Lily were so proud that their little boy defeated 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named'

"You should go back to your manor, I will come and visit you at noon tomorrow." Dumbledore said. " And please, be careful."

They agreed and James and Lily went to Potter Manor with their kids. They put them to bed and did the same.

Sirius went back to grimaud place and went to bed.

Little did they know Dumbledore made the biggest mistake of his life and chose the wrong 'Boy-Who-Lived'.

Words: 804


A/N: HI this is the first chapter I hope you like it 💗


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