waking up and making up

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Hello people i want to say that im NOT insane i have no idea where these ideas come from they just pop in my head hahahah i am mentally stable. ahha lets begin - Julia

****Louis POV****




What the heck is that noise im 100% sure that is not my ringtone or my alarm!




"Louis i need you come back!" Is that Harry what type of crazy dream is this.




Okay i cant take this anymore. I opened my eyes and wince as someone yelled "LOUIS!" My eyes adjusted to the light and Harry come into view "Um Harry why are you in my house i thought i told you to leave?" I looked around to find im not in my room. Im in a hospital.

I look over at Harry again but hes up and nurses are sticking me with more needles that im pretty sure i dont need. Why am i here anyway and with Harry of all people. I was about to ask as it all came flooding back Harry the fire someone saving me.

The nurses finish and i turn to Harry "Who saved me?" He smiled like and idiot and i gave him a confused look "Harry who saved me?" He smiled wider "I did." I blinked confusion taking over "But i thought you hat-" "Dont say it Lou!" I stopped talking "Im sorry.."

He bit his lip "Its okay its my fault im an idiot!" I nodded "Oh yes you are!" He made a fist with his hand and i gulped I shouldnt have said that who wants to plan my funeral because ive been pushing my luck with him lately. But suprisingly he relaxed and laughed "I really messed up didnt I?"

I sat there shocked "Is this some kind of sick joke are you going to wait until i get out of this hell hole and beat the shit out of me again!?" He looked up his amazing green eyes dulled and blood shot "Louis why would you-"

"MY BABY ARE YOU OKAY!" I looked up at my mother "Mom why are you here i thought you where on business?" She hugged me and smiled "I tried to get her sooner but the flights have been backed up for a week!" I frowned "What do you mean sooner?" She laughed "Honey you have been out for almost two weeks."

My mouth fell open "Really?" She nodded kissing my forehead then she turned around and noticed Harry "Oh Louis whos your friend?" I know Harry looks different and all but she cant be that stupid it really shows how much she pays attention.

He just smiled and stood up "Mrs. Tomlinson its me Harry." She blushed and hugged him "Ohhhh Harry i havent seen you in forever look how much youve grown oh and your hair and eyes your so handsome right Louis?!" Harry looked at me and smirked as i turned red.

I nodded while rolling my eyes "Ya mom hes just gorgeous." I mean its not a total lie Harry is gorgeous the way his hair falls perfectly over his amazing green eyes and those lips i just want to... I stopped myself mid thought why am i thinking like this this is the same kid that beats the shit out of me everyday making my life a living hell! But hes also the kid who just saved my life.

I frowned Hes also the kid i used to play with everyday until he started hanging around Liam Niall and Zayn. They changed him i remember the Harry i used to love i even remember when we first met what happened to that harry

**** FLASHBACK****


"Louis, Tim this is our new home!" I looked up at my parents and then at the huge house infront of me "What if theres no other kids for me to play with?" My brother smiled at me he was missing his front teeth "We can play together dont worry buddy!" i smiled at him "Okay wanna go play in the backyard?" He nodded and we walked into the backyard.

I looked into the opposite yard and saw a little boy playing on a swing set. I looked over at Tim who was playing in a pile of leaves. I shrugged walking over to the fence "Hi!" the boy looked up and smiled "Hello!" I smiled at him as he got off the swing and made his way over to the fence "Are you the boy my mommy told me was coming?"

I nodded "ya thats me Louis Tomlinson!" He nodded and stuck out his hand "Im Harry Styles!" I shook his hand as a lady came into his backyard smiling at us "OHH you must be Louis!" I nodded smiling at the nice lady "Oh you are just adorable you and Harry will be great friends !" Harry and i smilied at eachother and then said our goodbyes. His mom bringing him in for lunch and Tim and I played together all day it was the life


I always wish that one day i could go back to then when everything was alright when you where friends with everyone noone judged eachother. But im not that lucky am I nope Harrys still her im in the hospital thanks to my own brother and i think my moms talking to me im not sure.

"Louis are you okay you spaced out there do you need a nurse?" I smiled "No im fine i was just thinking." She smiled sitting in the chair next to harry "So hows Eleanor?" Harry tensed up at the question and i frowned "We broke up two years ago..." She nodded "Well i have to go see you later sweetie!"

I said goodbye and turned to Harry who was staring at me "What?" He smirked "So you really think im gorgeous!" I rolled my eyes "That was for my mom all an ACT!" He continued to smirk "Okay that totally explains why you where redder then a tomato!"

I sighed "Whatever Harry." He smiled relaxing on his chair "So how do you feel?" I layed down but turned on my side to face him "Im okay been worse." He nodded "You really scared me and the boys where there too." I raised my eyebrows. "They where there and you still went in to save me why?"

He shrugged "Well besides the fact that they looked pissed when i walked out i couldn't just let you die in there." I smiled "Thank you." He smiled "No problem Boo but one more thing.." I looked up "What?" He shifted in his seat "Your moving in with me." I sat there stunned "Excuse me what did you just say?"

"Your house burned to the ground your moving in with me." I nodded "Um okay." He smiled "Itll be fun i promise!" I smirked "Maybe for you." He smirked and i frowned "One question." He nodded "Do you um have your you know friends over often?"

He bit his lip which made him look adorable. I mentally smacked myself as he stroked my arm. "Only sometimes but ill let you know before they show up okay." I nodded "Ya okay seems fair."

WELL i havent updated in a while sorry!!!!! :D but thats it if i was Louis id rather live in a box on the street or under a bridge and I FOUND THE PERFECT PIC OF TIM but i have no idea how to put it on the site idk ill figure it out!!! I JUST FIGURED IT OUT A PICTURE OF TIM IS ON THE SIDE VOTE AND COMMENT -Julia

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