railgun story part 1

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She stood on the edge of the crater, looking down. Around the surface fire spewed from the ground from the exposed broken gas lines. The water main ruptures allowed water to crash like waterfalls into the bottom of the crater. There were no large chunks of debris falling. It was pulverize; all that remain hung in the air like smog. The bright yellow sun seemed to turn orange, red almost purple in color when seen through the floating dirt particles. It was there a few seconds ago. He stood among tall buildings, built of stone and glass. The streets were filled with abandoned cars parked on the sidewalks, walkways and the street. Her mother was running towards her calling her name. She remembered his smile, his eyes glistening with hate.

"Say goodbye..." She heard his voice in her head.

"Huh..." She took her gaze off her mother for a moment and looked at him. He rose up into the air like an evil marionette. Then it sounded like someone puckering their lips and sucking air into their mouth. Everything vanished; shooting straight up into the sky with the explosion everything was gone. The buildings and cars, street, lights and her mother. The blast leveled everything within a 10 block radius. The shockwaves flowed around her as she used her electromagnetism to create a protective bubble around her body. She watched as the darkness swallowed her up. She felt the heat on her skin; she choked on the minuet particles of dust that she inhaled that use to be her surroundings. She stood staring; eyes fixed on the spot, that no longer existed, where her mother stood.

"Close your eyes... Baby..." She remembered her mother's voice telling her as she ran towards her.

"I love you..." She ran reaching out to her then nothing.

The man, floating above the destruction, was Michael. However, Mikoto did not know it. He is an archangel. He and the others have been sent to earth to destroy the world. He stood six feet tall, blonde hair that hung down to his shoulder. His eyes were of the bluest of blue. They had a kindness to them but behind them was a callousness even Mikoto could recognize. He was more boy than man. As far as she was concerned he was the man who just killed her mother.

"Pretty good... Don't you think...?" He hung in the air. He wore the same sick smile on his face.

"A controlled explosion..." He laughed. "Other battles in the area. I don't want to hurt my friends..."

He laughed. He slowly descended touching the ground with the tips of his bare toes, then the heal of his foot in the center the smoking crater.

"Academy city will fall..." He looked around at the devastation. "Then the world... It is what he wants..." He picked up a piece of dirt crumbling it in his hand, watching it as it fell through his fingers to the ground by his feet.

"Nonbelievers... Corrupt churches... Everything..." He held out his arms, looking towards the sky laughing.

He smiled gazing at her standing, looking small at the edge of the crater.

"I am sorry, it is rude of Me." he chuckled to himself. She could see his body shake as he laughed.

"My name is Michael..." he bowed at his waist. He held his left arm at his waist, his right behind him.

"And yours is...?" he paused, his eyes slightly narrowed and his lips were thin. His face resembled a serpent. She thought to herself. She expected a fork tongue to slide out his mouth. She stood silent not answering his question.

"Never mind..." he straighten himself up. "Yours is Mikoto Misaka..."

She could feel the power and sense the evil this "man" represented. Something about him made her remember a certain past situation.

Railgun and the angelic resonanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora