Chapter 3

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We are in the car on our way to the Red Cross building to drop off our donations and get officially enter in the competition. We began in silence but then I turned on the radio. The talk show hosts voice fills our ears.

"That's right 1D fans! Today's the day to drop off your donations to help the Red Cross and find out who won tickets to 1D! Now here's a special song to get you wound up for the big event. Here's What Makes You Beautiful by the one and only, One Direction!"

I begin singing along as I turn the volume up. My eyes wander over to Sophie, and to my surprise, she is singing as well. I give her a confused look and she glances back at me.

"What? Am I not allowed to enjoy music?" She asks. I simply laugh quietly before continuing to sing. The song ends and the talk show host begins speaking again about the contest. I listen for a bit before tuning out the world as I look out the window.

"Flora? Flora.... Flora!!" Sophie yells while nudging my shoulder.

"What?!" I yell back coming out of my numb state.

"A, you tuned out again. B, we're here," she states. I look to see we were indeed parked in front of the Red Cross building. She smiles once I realize we actually were here. We are actually on the path to meeting my favorite band. Sophie grabs the envelope with our money and steps out of the car. I follow her lead to the front door where we both gasp. There were at least a hundred people in line. And not to my surprise, Amanda was only a few spots ahead of us.

"Hey, Amanda!" I beam at her. She turns around and returns the smile.

"Hey Flora! And another Flora?" Amanda questions before realization sets in.

"Oh, right. Amanda, meet my twin sister Sophie. Sophie, meet the girl who stood up for me at Walmart," I introduce the two.

"Nice to meet you, Amanda," Sophie greets with a shy smile.

"You too," she replies with a warmer, more welcoming smile. She didn't seem shy at all. The three of us stood together in line making small talk, getting to know each other. It has two hours and there were still ten groups in front of us. There was also about fifteen groups behind us. Amanda and Sophie continued talking as my mind wandered.

My attention became drawn to the door as I heard the bells ring. Of course the one group I didn't want to see had arrived. The girl with the posy, the girl who tried to mess with my twin.

"Shoot," I mutter under my breath. Amanda and Sophie both turn to look at me, however, my shoes suddenly became very interesting.

"Flora, what's wrong?" Amanda asks. Before I can reply another voice joins the conversation.

"Well, well, what do we have here? The stupid twins and one who doesn't know when to shut up," she says. Amanda doesn't back down, in fact she stands up straighter and looks her in the eye.

"So what?" She sasses, "where's your posy? Didn't feel like looking at your face any more?" she begins and turns to me. "What is her name? Kinda hard to sass a person not knowing their name." I just shrug also unsure. The insult didn't resister with the random girl but she did hear the part about her name.

"My name is Miranda. I'm holding our space so we can meet the boys. You gonna switch spaces with us to make up for before?" She asks, despite the demanding tone.

"Uh, no," Amanda sasses.

"Ok, I'm gonna say this one more time slowly so your slow brain can understand. Switch. Places. With. Me." She speaks monotonously .

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