Dueling Club

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School quickly turned into the busy whirlwind of studying, classes and Quidditch practice. Ron was named Quidditch captain due to his obsession with the sport and knowledge of every possible play. Harry was more than happy for his friend's success. The trio saw surprisingly little of their usual rival, Draco who was often seen sitting by the pond or in the library reading. He made a few comments but his heart did not seem to be in it, baffling Harry. The second week of school Professor Lupin pulled Harry and Draco aside after the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that they shared.

"I have a small request for the two of you." He started as he sat on his desk with the teenagers in front of him. "I want you two to restart the dueling club. Professor Snape and I are willing to help you get it started. You pair are the best duelers in the school and if you can pass that knowledge on to the other students it would give the faculty a much needed break."

The professor sat back and waited for the expected argument to begin. Both teenagers stared at him in shock before glancing sidelong at each other. Their dueling history was legendary at the school but it usually got them into trouble. Harry waited for Draco to make a rude comment with several possible replies ready and waiting. He just about choked in shock at the answer Draco finally gave. "I'm willing to give it a shot if Potter is."

Remus looked from him to Harry in astonishment as Draco smiled at Harry's coughing almost reached his eyes. The professor looked at Harry with an expectant expression on his face. "Well, what do you think, Harry?" The coughing fit over; Harry nodded and wiped the moisture from his eyes. Remus looked at both suspiciously before adding an afterthought. "You have to play and teach by the rules, agreed?"

Both nodded and were dismissed leaving a bewildered teacher in the room as they exited. Harry stopped just outside the closed doors and turned to his rival. "What is with you? You have been so weird this year, what is going on?"

Draco smiled almost sadly before replying. "Nothing is wrong. It's just been a strange summer. I realized I have better things to do than pick on you and if it bothers you so much you can kiss my ass." Harry found himself smiling as Draco spun on his heel and swept down the hall without another word. Harry told Ron and Hermione all about the meeting smiling at their surprised responses and excitement over the new club.

"With you two running it the whole school will be joining just to see you go at it." Ron smiled eagerly remembering Draco flying across the platform in second year at Harry's curse.

"I think it's fantastic. Between you, I'm sure you know every curse and counter curse known to wizard kind." Hermione looked thoughtfully before turning to her books and copying out spells she thought appropriate to teach. Ron rolled his eyes over her head but wisely said nothing before turning back to the homework assignment for Potions.

A week later the club began with huge success. As predicted nearly the entire school attended and Harry began to feel a bit nervous at his skills in teaching such a huge undertaking. They had met a few days ago with Professor Lupin and Snape to discuss the material covered and stern expectations given. They had all decided that Draco and Harry would give a demonstration the first day before people formally signed up.

"Nervous Potter?" Draco came up behind Harry as he surveyed the crowd from an adjoining room. A hint of the old mischief was evident in his voice but the usual sneer was gone, replaced by a tiny smile.

"You wish. I've been looking forward to this all week. Play by the rules this time though, we want to teach these kids properly." Harry squelched the butterflies in his stomach and strode into the buzzing room with all the confidence he could muster. He was happy to see several professors watching near the door in case things got out of hand. Draco sauntered in behind him smiling at a group of fifth grade girls sending them into a fit of giggling. Harry held up his hands and there was instant silence.

"Welcome to the dueling club. I'm Harry and this is Draco. Before we get started we thought a demonstration would be valuable so you know if you are still interested in joining." Harry moved to one end of the raised platform as Draco moved to the other. Neither wore their school robes but had changed into more easily mobile clothing. The Slytherin was wearing black jeans and a tight fitting black t-shirt while Harry had opted for blue jeans and a loose white t-shirt. They faced each other and bowed before drawing their wands into position.

"One... Two... Three!" Both shouted a curse as soon as three was spoken and both had the counter up before it hit. They smiled at each other before the Gryffindor threw the next spell. Back and forth the duel went with each curse being dodged or blocked successfully. Both began to grow tired and the crowd agitated after a full half hour. Finally Professor Lupin carefully stepped onto the stage with his arms up and called the match a draw. The entire auditorium broke into applause followed by the buzz of hundreds of voices. Draco bent with his hands on his knees catching his breath as Harry wiped the sweat from his brow on a towel Hermione had ready for him. They bowed respectfully to each other before the blond Slytherin stretched out his hand. For a suspicious split second Harry hesitated before grasping the outstretched hand and smiling at his opponent.

"That's all for the show tonight. Anyone wishing to sign up can do so at the door on the way out. Thank you very much." Draco bowed dramatically to the audience before sweeping off the stage and out the adjoining room. A splatter of applause spread around the room before students started to file out.

"That was fantastic, mate!" Ron exclaimed as his green eyed friend sat heavily on the edge of the stage exhausted. Several other students came up to shake his hand but most whispered in awe before shuffling out of the room. The Gryffindor trio quickly left through the back door hurrying to their common room away from the excited crowd. They were stopped by many teachers and students in the halls but finally made it to the peace and quiet of their sanctuary.

"He's been practicing." Harry sunk into his favourite chair heavily. Hermione nodded in agreement before getting him some tea. The tired dueller sipped blissfully as he mused to himself. "This should be an interesting club; I didn't know some of the spells he was throwing. It could be helpful."

They spent the rest of the evening doing bits of homework but none had their mind on the task. It was an early night for all three friends.

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