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Christmas was a blur with everyone heading to the Great Hall in their pajamas for their presents. Fred and George had woken the castle up with firecrackers at seven in the morning followed by an illusion of Santa Claus and his reindeer flying into everyone's bedrooms. Harry had stayed in the Health Ward with Sirius since he had been brought in, only leaving his side long enough to shower and change everyday. Remus had arrived at the hospital just after Santa to help Sirius into a magical wheelchair so that he would be able to join in the festivities in the Great Hall.

"How are you feeling today, old friend?" Remus asked as Sirius eagerly threw off the blankets and got out of the bed. Harry was quick to his side as he swung his legs off the bed.

"Much better, and who are you calling old?" The Animagus had not lost his sense of humour while being locked behind the veil. He constantly wore a haunted smile, happy to be back but had undergone horrors that he would not ever speak about. They were quickly on their way to the Great Hall where the most of the Weasley's were already assembled digging through the presents. Draco and Marsali joined them several minutes later flanked by Fred and George who marched beside them.

"What's all this for?" Ron asked his brothers, noting Draco's disheveled appearance and sleepy frown. Marsali didn't appear to be any more awake but had pulled a pink satin robe over her pajamas.

"They tried to sleep in!" Fred explained clearly exasperated with George quickly adding. "On Christmas! And then they tried to shower and change before they would come out."

Harry laughed as Draco rubbed his eyes before running his hands through his hair in an attempt to smooth it. He saw Hermione covering her laugh behind her hand before getting up to hug him tightly. Finally, Draco smiled slightly despite the rude awakening taking in his girlfriend's pony tailed messy hair and cute, fuzzy pajamas.

"You look beautiful in the morning, Hermione." Fred and George gagged but they left the pair to turn to the stack of presents under the tree. The twins played Santa, ensuring to take the time to rip into one of theirs every now and again. Draco had given Hermione a gorgeous silver bracelet which she put on immediately. He had given Harry an old book of complicated and highly useful spells which was immediately searched by Professor Lupin for inappropriate spells. For Ron he had given him the latest model broomsticks for keepers focusing more on maneuverability and stability rather than speed. He just about fell over when Ron ran up and hugged him. He glanced over to see Sirius looking between him and Harry and felt a twinge of apprehension. The former outlaw smiled at him before Draco realized that he had tears in his eyes.

"You have no idea how great it is to see my godson and cousin friends and both on the same side of the war. I never thought that I would see the day where we would all be spending Christmas together." Draco looked at him with a start before remembering that his mother had not only been a Black but also Sirius's first cousin. He smiled and shook his cousin's hand, happy to find family, especially one that had also dealt with turning from the family ideals.

When presents were finally all opened they turned to the table where breakfast sprung up onto the empty platters. The rest of the day was spent enjoying their new gifts and spending time growing even closer in friendship.

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