04. pt. 1

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"Excuse me?"

I stop my brisk walk and turn around at the sound of the accent.

I look up into soft brown eyes.

Jesus Christ. What is up with this campus and incredibly attractive British men?

"Hi, sorry for bothering you. I saw you stand up to Louis earlier and I just wanted to tell you you've got major balls and I thought it was really cool." The tall boy laughed.

He was cute. Like, really cute. His brown eyes crinkled up as he smiled at me with brilliant white teeth. His lighter brown hair was cut shorter and combed over to the side. He wore light grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips and a white Nike tee shirt. Did I say cute? I meant pretty delicious.

I laugh before rolling my eyes playfully. "Balls, huh? What's the usual reaction?"

He bit his lip and laughed again. "Well usually they're either in tears, or they're drooling and making a fool out of themselves."

"Ugh, seriously?" I ask, scrunching up my face.

I couldn't stand it when girls would throw themselves at a guy who would publicly humiliate them to look cool. I do, however, get extremely angry when a guy makes a girl cry. That happened to me too many times in high school.

"Yeah, it's pretty sad, but Louis has a way with the ladies." Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. His gave still had a smile so I know he didn't do it maliciously.

"He sounds like an asshole." I state.

He laughs. "Yeah, he can be but he's actually a really nice lad once you get to know him. If he actually has a girl he cares about, he's very good to them."

"So I take it you're friends with Louis, then?"

"You'd be correct. He's one of my best mates."

"Well Louis' best mate, I never caught your name." I stated, raising my eyebrows and sending him a smile.

"Liam Payne." He smiles and holds his hand out for me to shake.

"Indie Miller." I smile back and put my small hand into his large, warm hand to shake it.

"Oh, I know your name." He shakes his head and laughs. "Louis' been talking about you all morning."

What? Surely not.

"Really?" I tried not to make my voice sound too surprised.

"Oh yeah, you've made quite an impression on him. And now that I've had the chance to talk with you, I can see why." He says, biting his lip before meeting my gaze.

Did he just flirt with me?

I quickly look down, a smile creeping its way on to my pink face.

It was quiet as we both didn't know what to say after that.

Liam cleared his throat. "Will you be attending the party tonight?"

"Actually, yes. A...friend invited me."

"Good. I'll be looking for you then." He says with a cheeky smile.

"Okay." Is all I manage to say with a stupid smile as he walks away.

I stand there watching him for a solid minute before I turn around and continue my search for lunch. And now, a really cute party outfit.


After finding the Taco Bell, which was closer to campus than I thought, -score!- I went shopping and found my outfit for tonight.

I spent the rest of the day organizing my side of the room and avoiding the bitchy stares of my roommate.

wrong bed |h.s. au|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang