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"Need a ride, love?"

Have you ever had a moment where your heart just kind of drops into your stomach and you feel a sense of dread?

That's exactly what I was feeling as Louis' voice drifted through the booms of thunder and rain pelting on the sidewalk and through my eyes.

I snap my head to the right and easily find his black Charger stopped in the middle of the street, that shit eating smile plastered on his slightly scruffy face. His blue eyes shining with mischief.

I expected that.

What I didn't expect is for a pair of emerald green eyes in the passenger seat to catch mine and hold my gaze.

Fucking shit.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking with my head held high. The cold rain poured down heavily and the thunder boomed making my insides quake. I'm terrified of storms. Like, when I say terrified, I mean it's almost crippling. But you know what's even more crippling?

My very wounded pride.

Of fucking course these two dickheads would catch me out in the middle of this miniature hurricane when I know I look like a soaking wet raccoon-dog hybrid.

"Come on, Indie. Don't be like that!" Louis cooed as he slowly drove at my pace. He was obviously amused.

I wrap my thin jacket tighter around myself as I walk faster. It didn't do much good considering it's completely drenched from the rain. I start shivering involuntarily. It's freezing out here.

All of the sudden, a bolt of lightening popped loudly, making me jump so hard I fall backwards, landing on my left wrist. A scream rips from my throat before I can stop it and I'm not sure if it's from landing on my wrist or if it's a reaction to the lightening. My heart is beating so hard I can feel it throughout my whole body. I cradle my left hand to my chest as my wrist starts to throb. I bite my lip to keep from crying.

I hear a door open and slam shut before Louis is quickly at my side.

"Indie, are you okay?" He asks gently, kneeling down beside me. I look up at his face expecting to see his usual cocky expression but I only find genuine concern in his blue eyes. The rain continues pelting us both, making Louis' hair flip into his eyes a bit. If I wasn't in so much pain and he wasn't such an asshole, I would probably tell him how damn attractive he looks.

I decide to put my ego to the side and answer him seriously. "I think I sprained my wrist." I say, looking down at my cradled hand and then back up at him.

"Come on, we need to get it checked out." He said as he slipped his right arm around my waist and helped me up.

I open my mouth to protest but he shoots me a look that made me immediately shut it.

I glance up and notice that Louis' car is no longer idling in the street but is parallel parked in a spot not too far from us. Harry gets out of the car and is standing there waiting to open the door for me.

I want to roll my eyes at the turd but decide that if he's playing nice, I will too.

Louis and I walk over to his car and I quietly thank them both before I slide into the backseat. The leather beneath me squeaks as I shift uncomfortably. I glance around at the dark leather interior, taking in the cleanliness. His car smelled like cologne and cigarettes just like his room. Coldplay played quietly in the background.

My thoughts were interrupted as both doors opened at just about the same time and Harry and Louis slide into the front seats easily.

I shiver again. My soaking wet clothes do nothing to hold in my body heat and the temperature felt like it had dropped a few more degrees.

"We'll take you by the clinic and make sure you didn't break something." Louis stated as he starts to pull out into the street.

"No, it's okay. It's already feeling better." I lie. There's no way in hell I'm going to waltz into a hospital with these two goons. As if I'm not already embarrassed enough from this, I hate owing people.

Especially people like Louis.

"Are you quite sure?" He asks, sounding super British.

"Yeah, I'm...quite sure." I answer and try not to look like I'm in as much pain as I am. I just need to go back to my room, get some dry clothes on, take some medicine, and take a nap. If I still feel like shit tomorrow, I'll go get it checked out.


It's quiet after that for a few good minutes and I'm grateful.

That is, until Louis speaks up again.

"Indie, have you properly met Harry?" Louis asks.

My mind flashes back to him knocking me down in the hallway my first day and being a perverted little shit.

I roll my eyes as I see Harry slightly turn around and smirk at me.

"Oh yes, Indie and I go way back." Harry slowly drawls out with a wink. His cheek indents with a dimple and I hate myself for the slight butterflies that I feel when he smiles.

I manage to look at him with disgust.

"Really?" Louis asks with interest, turning slightly to quickly look at us and keep his eyes on the road.

"Oh yeah, he's a class act." I mutter sarcastically.

I hear a laugh escape from Harry and Louis looks at us confused, but doesn't question it any further.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I see my dorm building come into view. I could not be more ready to get out of this car.

We pull into a space and I quickly reach for the handle before turning to Louis.

"Erm.. Thanks for helping me back there. And for the ride. See you later!" I say with an awkward nod and quickly get out, hoping that neither would say anything else.

"Please, please, please." I quietly mutter to myself as I power walk towards the building.

"Indie, hold up!" I hear Louis say.

I stop in my tracks and squeeze my eyes shut.

Damn it. So close.

I hear his door open and close again before I slowly turn around to see him jogging up to me.

"Yes?" I ask, trying not to sound like a complete bitch considering her did just give me a ride without giving me too much shit.

"Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I would really like to show you that I'm not just an asshole." He says. He looks almost....sincere.

"Yeah, you can be a dick too." I say with a little smile which causes him to laugh.

"Would you like to grab something to eat later?" Louis asks, biting his lip.

I internally groan.

"Look, I'm sure that you're not a complete asshole, but you're just not my type." I tell him honestly.

He stands a little taller before asking, "Well what is your type?"

Well, this is awkward.

I sigh. "Not you. Not the popular jerk who has a different girl every night. I'm sorry, but I'm just not interested." I say as nicely as possible.

He looks down for a brief moment before lifting his gaze to mine. He stares at me for a moment, his stare is confident as he searches my eyes. He steps closer to me, his breathe now hitting my face.

"I'm not giving up on you. I'll be your type by the time I'm finished." He states confidently before he leans down and presses a gentle kiss to my cheek. "I'll text you tonight." He says before he turns around and walks back to his car. I see Harry looking away as I look at him.

I'm stunned into silence.


52 votes for the next chapter? It's already written and waiting (;

btw, ship name for Indie and Louis?

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