Part 46

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Rueben and I played one game of Risk and then I went home and he went home I had a shower and dinner and got ready to go down to the hotel for evening activities which was a movie it was even my favorite movie it was lady and the tramp and Rueben was going to be there so I went to go see the movie at the hotel
Rueben:hey dude.
Josh:What's up
Rueben:Not much
Josh:So I am right that this movie is lady and the tramp right
Josh:Yay this is my favorite movie
Rueben:Oh ok.
Josh:So what you doing?
Rueben:Just making popcorn for the kids when they arrive for the movie.
Rueben:Oh and I brought uno cards so that we can play if no kids show up.
Josh:Ok but I've never played uno.
Josh:No I'm just saying it for the fun of it.

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