spiderman x criminal reader P.T 1

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You were usually a criminal that stayed on the low you didn't like standing out so you wore dark colors but of course someone had to see you robbing some rich guy and it was the one and only flashy hero, Spider-Man.

Luckily you escaped before he could turn you into the police but now the police knew that there was a criminal going around and robbing business and the wealthy

You sat down on your couch after a long day of running from the damn hero and the police

You turned on the TV and went to the news

Reporter: "We still do not know the identity of the menace going around and stealing from people"

"Menace? Damn they're so dramatic"

You said rolling your eyes

Reporter:"Sir Spider-Man do you plan on catching this criminal any time soon?"

Spiderman-"Of course they're just a slippery one but dont worry I'll catch them soon"

You smirked at the TV
"Like hell you will"

You woke up the next morning a little earlier to get ready for school

You were excited to see your friends MJ,Ned, and Peter

You put on a simple outfit and walked out of your apartments door and went down the hall seeing the old woman next to you watering some plants she has outside her apartment

Y/n-"Oh hello ma'am"

Old woman-"Oh hi y/n. Going to school?"

Y/n-"yes ma'am"

Old woman-"Oh please no need to be so formal just call me Marcy"

Y/n-"Yeah sure I will"

Marcy-"Have a good day at school kiddo"

She said it was a bright smile

Y/n-" Thank you marcy bye"

You waved your hand while walking away and stepped into the elevator

A few minutes later you arrived at school seeing your friend MJ

Y/n-" Hey MJ"

Mj-" Hey y/n"

You both walked down the hall talking when you arrived to your first period class

You and Mj dont share this class so she waved her hand goodbye and you did the same as she walked away to her class

However you did share this class with Ned

Hey Ned"

You said taking your seat next to him

N-"Hey y/n"

Y-"What are you up to?"

N-"Nothing just thinking"


N-" That criminal that people were recently talking about"

Y-" Oh yeah guess I forgot about them"

N-" it's even crazier that spiderman cant catch them"

Y-" I guess"

spiderman x criminal (male)readerWhere stories live. Discover now