spiderman x criminal reader P.T 2

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"I'm not sure"

Mj was about to say something before Ned sat beside her and Peter sat beside you

N-"Hey guys"

Mj looked at Ned then back at you

Mj-"We'll finish the conversation later:

You just nodded in agreement

N- "What were you guys talking about?"

Mj- "Nothing"

N-"Oh come on"

P-" Ned let's not pry on it let it go"

N-" Fine. Oh peter you wanna go build some star wars legos with me?"

P-" Yeah"

Peter had a bright smile that you really liked for some reason it made you feel happy that he was happy you were looking at him and smiling

You caught yourself and turned to MJ who was already looking at you

The rest of the lunch period passed. You and peter have next period together and you decided to walk together

P-"So y/n I have a question"

You two were currently walking down an empty hallways since the class was an elective

P-"Are you um you know"

Y-"Am I what?"

P-" Do you like g-"

Peter was cut off by someone laughing

You and Peter both turned ahead to see Flash

You heard peter mumble under his breath

P-" Oh great"

F-"Hey Peter and Peter's boyfriend"

P-" He's not my boyfriend will you just leave us alone "

F-" Calm your tits Parker I just thought since you were gay he was your boyfriend"

P-" I'm not gay Flash"

Peter grabbed your hand and pulled you away from Flash

You two walked away while hearing Flash yell some insults

P- "God he can really get on my nerves. Sorry about the whole boyfriend thing"

Y-" Hm? Oh don't worry about it but I do have to ask and feel free to not answer but do you like guys?"

Peter looked at you for a second thinking of what to say

P-" Yeah i do. I'm not gay though I'm bisexual"

Y-" Bisexual. Hm"

P-" What's on your mind all of a sudden?"

Y-" Oh nothing I'll tell you later we should go to class before we're late"

You and Peter walked to class and when you got there you took your seat he was in the front of the class and you were in the back

"Bisexual. I mean could I be bisexual?"

You thought about this the whole period and next thing your knew class was dismissed and Peter was at the side of your desk waiting for you to get up

P-" You alright y/n? You seem troubled"

spiderman x criminal (male)readerWhere stories live. Discover now