chapter one

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Valerie had just snuck out of the Dilaurentis house to meet with her best friends. It was the last day of the summer vacation and the group decided to have one last night of fun at the Hastings Barn. When Valerie entered the barn she smiled at the sight of Hanna Marin, Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery and Emily Fields laughing on the old couches that were placed in the barn. 

' Val! Where were you?' Emily stood up to hug her friend and lead her to the couch. Valerie struggled to find a good lie, obviously not telling her friends who she was with. 'I had to help my dad with getting in the groceries.' She lied. To be honest, this summer she only came home to get new clothes and to check if her father still had a heartbeat. 

' Where's Ali?' Valerie changed the subject. Alison was coming home from her grandmother who lived in georgia, who she spent a couple of weeks with. ' I don't know, she was supposed to be here now.' Spencer answered her friend. Aria was just telling the girls about her summer course at Holllis when suddenly the electricity fell out. The lights shut off and they're was only a little light from the candles they had lit. 

The creaking from the barn door made the girls turn in that direction. ' Guys, something's out there.' Aria spoke worried holding on to her friends as they made their way to the door. Suddenly a body sprung from behind the door screaming at them ' Gotcha!'. The girls all jumped back as the one and only Alison Dilaurentis was laughing from the scare she gave the girls. 

' So not funny Alison!' Spencer laughed it off. ' I thought it was hilarious girls.' Ali pulled the girls back towards the couches and sat down next to Hanna and Valerie went to sit on the chair across from her. ́'Ali did you download the new beyonce yet?' Emily asked the queen B as she took a sip from her beer.  As they were talking Valerie's phone beeped, making Spencers head look up.

It was a text from Jason, which made her face light up and Spencer noticed. ' Who's that?' She asked her friend. Who's head shot up and shrugged. ' O just my dad.' Spencer knew she was lying, she never spoke to her dad. The Hastings, The Dilaurentis's and The Reed's have been neighbours for a very long time. Spencer knew that it was either complete silence or screaming and fighting in the house. 

Spencer decided to let it go, as Ali pushed the girls to drink a bit more. Aria took a big sip which made the girls laugh. ' Careful Aria or you'll tell us all your secrets.' Spencer commented jokingly. ' That's what friends are for, we share secrets, that's what keeps us close.' Alison's comment made the girls go quiet, but they moved on and all drank a bit more. So did Valerie and when her eyes started feeling heavy she fell asleep in the chair. As did the other girls.

Valerie was shaken awake by Hanna's hand. ' Where's Ali and Spencer?' Valerie asked her friends as she looked around to see her other friends. ' We don't know.' Emily said. As they walked to the door Spencer walked inside with a shocked look on her face. 

 ' Where's Ali?' Emily asked her. ' She's gone.' She reacted with the same look on her face. ' What do you mean she's gone?' Valerie lashed out a bit too hard which made Spencer look at her. ' I've looked everywhere, i can't find her, i think i heard her scream.' 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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