Chapter 1: The Prince

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"It wasn't always like this. A King needed to rule the land. The founders of the great city we now call Dystopia, intended for the people to be divided and kept in five factions. Amity, the peaceful, Candor, the honest, Abnegation, the selfless, Erudite, the smart, and Dauntless, the strong. There was peace but, it did not last long. History would be written to say that factions deflected from the system and societal laws. This caused revolt, ciaos, and anarchy amongst the factions. In order to re-establish peace, Erudite took overall governing control of each faction and by all means necessary brought peace to the city once again. They elected a King and for the past 100 years the line of Kings has stood to the monument of peace. The faction system still stood in place. Instead of a government of representing factions agreeing on what was best for society, those representatives would go before the King. The King would have the final say in all decisions regarding the government."

"Amity still farmed the land. They continued to provide resources to the city. Food, water, wine, cloth, they were the farmers and the city could not stand without them. Candor, still upheld their honest ways, they would represent criminals in cases in front of the King, who would rule out final judgement. Abnegation, barely lingered after the rise of the monarchy. They did their part and served the Kingdom as servants to the King. The Erudite became the sole governing force, they were the Kings Court and parliament. Dauntless became the Kings royal guard and army. A monarchy with an inner structure of a faction system. It worked for the moment. The last 10 years had seen a rise in conflict amongst the people of Dystopia. Those who were not fit to play a role in society were banished outside the wall. Factionless. A law had been passed that all those who were considered and adopted the Factionless role, to be removed from the city, to better help the development of the new government. This created conflict amongst all peoples. Outside the wall was a land that no one had ventured to in over 200 years. It was a death sentence, just because you didn't fit in."

My pen stopped. I sighed and looked at the words I had just written down on the page before me. I sat at my father's desk. Well my desk. The Kings desk. I glanced around the overly large office. My office. I groaned and tossed the pen down. This could not be happening to me, not now. My father had planned for me to take over at the time of his death, twenty years from now. I ran my hands over my face. His death had been sudden and unexpected. Society law required that all heirs to the King take the throne at the age of 21 and begin courtship to claim a Queen and produce an heir. I turned 21 in three weeks. At that point I would be crowned King and expected to find and claim a wife. My head fell hard onto the desk with a loud thud. I wasn't ready for commitment so soon. I knew the charade that would happen in the coming weeks and I dreaded every thought of it. I shut my eyes and tried to calm my nerves. I wasn't King yet. My father's funeral was in two days. Everyone would come and attend his service, to stay goodbye to an old King and greet a new one. At that moment I wished for nothing more than to see my mother again. She did not want to continue the role of Queen, for that she was banished beyond the wall. A knock came to the office door and I shook my head against the desk. I promptly ignored who ever requested entrance. The knock came again.

"My Lord." A strong voice carried over the room.

"Did I say enter?" I asked as calmly as possible. I knew that I had to begin to act like a King but, I found it hard, especially toward those I considered friends.

"No my Lord." I sat up and looked at my personal hand and body guard. Max. I leaned forward on my desk and gave a slight glare.

"Yet, here you are."

"Forgive me, I forgot my place." Max said and I rolled my eyes. My hands waved the whole situation away and I stood as he approached my desk. No need for ill will between friends. "Writing your journal?" I smirked and looked down at the leather bound book.

The Prince of Dystopia (Divergent Eric/OC)Where stories live. Discover now