Chapter 17

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Ji-Yu shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Jungkook reached over to soothe her but found Yoongi had already started rubbing her back softly. He looked at the pair, noticing that the man used the same little pattern their mother had used when they were agitated as children and felt another small pang in his chest.

It had been only two days since Ji-Yu agreed to enter into a relationship with Jimin and since the development he's been unable to get his sister alone for a talk. He desperately wanted to ask her about their childhood, hoping he could remember the silver haired man when they were all young.

But he understood why she was too busy to sit down with him. When the two hours were up and they arrived back home to learn they were officially a couple, it was already three in the afternoon. Ji-Yu felt like she really needed to work that day after finding out she would have a lot of people she'd have to meet in the upcoming days, so she got ready for work and left not long after.

Yesterday when he came down for breakfast, he found her talking with Hoseok. She'd not properly met the man until that day, but his warm smile seemed to put her at ease. She invited him to sit with them, determined never to keep anything from him again, so he did. Hoseok was talking to her about the struggles of learning palace etiquette as someone who was born outside of the nobility.

He told her how he had to use most of his sign-on bonus as a royal entertainer to buy clothes. He told her how he had to replace his Gap and Old Navy with things like Calvin Kline and Ralph Lauren, lamenting the loss of his collection of Levi jeans as well. He said as the prince's girlfriend they may want her in designer brands instead and to be prepared for that.

His sister became anxious at the thought of trying to afford such clothes and he silently supported her by holding her hand. She took a few deep breaths and listened to Hoseok telling her about things like how to address the royal family, nobles who visit, and even the staff. The man spent well over two hours with her and before leaving gave her his number, saying he was available to her anytime.

The two took care of the things around the house that would normally be done after breakfast but were put off once Hoseok left. Once they'd finished that task, they had lunch together and he listened to her as she explained about their plans for the following day. They cleaned up after eating and Yoongi came to pick her up for work, saying he needed to explain a new machine to her on the way.

And now here it was 11 AM and they were sitting in a room with three round tables and a large chandelier above them with Yoongi, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Kyung waiting for the King, Queen, two princes, and the crown prince's fiance to join them. It was an informal tea of the families and the friends who were aware of the couple so the King and Queen could meet Ji-Yu.

Kyung looked at a pocket watch in his waist coat and walked over to the double doors, opening them to reveal Jimin who quickly looked for Ji-Yu and made his way over to her. The prince greeted her with a kiss to the cheek as Yoongi moved his hand from her back. Jimin didn't miss the fact that the other man was touching her, and gave him a glare, which Yoongi confidently returned.

Jimin offered a hand to Ji-Yu and had her move with him to another table, pulling out a chair for her to sit, pushing her in, then quickly taking the seat next to hers. "My parents, Jin and Kwan will be sitting here with us so they can speak with you easily." He told her, watching her face become worried. "Don't worry, they'll love you. And I'm right here, and Jin has our back." He reminded her.

The girl smiled at her boyfriend, happy to have him by her side. When they were able to talk to one another on the phone the night before he'd told her that his parents wanted to have a large formal introduction but he had to argue them down to something much simpler rather than having aunts, uncles, and cousins attend.

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