Long Time, No See

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Clover and Parfait were practicing songs before their concert, as they have been practicing these for about half a year.

They were going to perform tonight, and this was hard to take in for Clover.

"Are you nervous?" Parfait asked.


"Don't worry, everything will go fine, my first time was actually not that bad."

"Okay, I hope this goes well."

About 30 minutes later, they're behind stage, about to go on.

They hear a muffled crowd in the background, as they wait for their time to go up.

The man who does his introduction said:

"Please welcome to this stage, Parfait and Clover cookie!"

They were on stage, walking on, singing.

They sung the exact same way they practiced, it was all perfect.

After a few songs later, some people were throwing Roses and such up stage.

Parfait was giving thanks as usual, but then she got confused.

Someone throwed a.. journal?

She was confused, but picked it up anyways.

Clover knew what that was.

It was his journal.

The one he wrote in always, about Licorice.

Who got it though?

It was too late to stop her, she was reading each page.

He was thinking, freaking out.

But then he saw him.

The one who stole his journal.

Right there, in the crowd, was Licorice cookie, laughing.

Clover grabbed his mic quickly, and then finally said:

"Licorice.. Please tell me."

"How did you get that journal?!"

Everyone sat in silence, looking around.

As Licorice pretended to not hear him,

Clover had said again:

"How did you get that journal."

Every time Licorice ignored him, he kept getting louder.

Now other people were joining him.

It was just a series of Clover getting louder and louder with a question.

Though he recived no reply, he kept hoping for it.

The argument was then cut off by a loud voice, a stern female voice.

The girl said the words of:

"Licorice cookie.. is stalking you Clover."

"He never wanted to leave you, but he did anyway."

Clover sat there, in shock.

But he didn't want to listen to this anymore.

He grabbed Parfait, and they stormed out of the room.

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