O is for Over

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December 21st 2020

Age: 18


I don't remember when we fell asleep but I do remember Amanda waking me up and telling me she was leaving for work. I really don't know how she does it, she gets completely wasted and then gets up at eight and goes to work like nothing happened. I got up from the couch and started making breakfast, evidently Derek stayed over. I started making eggs when I heard the couch creek.

I turned around to see Derek standing up from the couch,

"Good morning Derek. Are you staying for breakfast?" I turned back around and continued to make my portion of eggs.

"Yeah I will, that couch did my neck in last night." He said, grabbing the back of his neck and rubbing it.

I chuckle softly and flip the eggs. "Ok, I'm making eggs."

"Just eggs?" He said with a chuckle. I nodded and looked behind me after turning off the stove. Derek was sitting at our small dining table that barely fit in the cramped apartment . I made an annoyed look toward him and waved the spatula around in his direction.

"If you don't like it you are welcome to go somewhere else for breakfast." He chuckled again which made me smile a bit. He raised his hands up in a gesture that looked like he was surrendering.

"Alright, but you better have seasoned them at least." I rolled my eyes.

"Who do I look like? Obviously I did."

He stayed over for a few more hours then we had to get ready for classes so he left. Amanda got home soon after he left and we got dressed and headed to class.

"Ama, hurry up, we'll be late." It's like deja vu from last night.

"Don't get your panties in a wad, I'm coming." I'm wearing a hoodie and sweats to school with my hair in a messy ponytail. Amanda comes out in a crop top, mini skirt, knee high boots, with her hair in a slicked back pony and cute butterfly clips. I'm jealous....

"Finally Ama, let's go." When we finally get to school we go our separate ways to our classes. And of course when you're a bigger girl, with "out of the norm" looks, you tend to get stares: especially in a predominantly white school. I walk with my head down, finally make it into class and bump head first into someone. I look up and see it's Liam Murphy.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I mumble, barely meeting his eyes. He smiles softly and says,

"It's fine, you aren't hurt, are you?"

I whisper a small "I'm good." and push past him a little bit and take a seat in the back. He watches me as I sit down and walks out of the class. Then class starts, and all I can think about is his face. Liam and I's relationship is..complicated to say the least. Okay it isn't that complicated, but I don't feel like explaining it right now. He knows Amanda, Derek and Nash too. We were a friend group, us five against the world. But, that's in the past, it hasn't been the same since Derek and Nash got together, the dynamics shifted. Everything shifted. My phone vibrates with a text from Liam. Awesome! If you can't tell, I was being sarcastic.

"Hey, we should talk." I hate when he says that.

"I don't know, Liam." I don't want to and I don't think we need to.

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